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Decorating With Books

Books on a table
Old books stacked on a primitive table | Just Vintage Home

On the other side of the room from the cupboard shown last week is this primitive table. It’s lived at my house for something like 30 years. It graced several different rooms through the years and has been wonderful in each. Lately it’s been living in a bedroom and fairly hidden.

I first saw it at the only local antique shop at the time and coveted it. Had a yard sale to make the money to buy it. If I recall, it cost $199.  The top looks like it was used as a chopping block but, in my opinion, that adds to the mystique and character. I love every scratch and wonder how the wounds came to be.


I’m so happy to bring it back in a room where I can enjoy it every day.


I was thrilled that last Monday’s post was featured at A Delightsome Life’s Return to Loveliness!



Last week was turned upside down and inside out on Thursday. I was contentedly making out a grocery list, thinking what new recipe I’d try for the blog, trying to remember the things we were out of when the phone rang. It was my dad. My step mom had fallen and he thought her hip was broken. The ambulance was on its way. Turned out to be her femur, but very close to the hip. She had surgery to have a rod put in the next day. He’s hardly left her side and I’ve done my best not to leave his. But with a two day estate sale to conduct, I didn’t get to stay as much as I’d have liked. Of course I wanted to be there for both of them, but my dad’s my daddy. Ya know? The nurses were taking care of her, but who was taking care of Daddy? Anyway, she is now very much on the mend. She’s doing great. I believe she’ll get through this and at 92 (don’t tell her I told her age) that’s remarkable. We’re so blessed.


5 thoughts on “Decorating With Books

  1. So glad to hear Mom is on the mend!

    I’m also addicted to old books. As I’ve been downsizing over the years I’ve gotten rid of so many, my house used to be overrun with them! Now I have just the few really lovely special ones…but now, nowhere to put them!

    It’s always something, right??


  2. Hugs to you, with all the things going on in your life.

    You have a beautiful blog and you yourself, sound like such a great person. I’m happy I happened to stop by.


  3. Just love the way books add personality to a room! This looks like part of a set of a Jane Austen movie- lovely! Hope your Mom (and dad) are doing well!

  4. Oh my you have your hands full! I’m glad things are going well. You have a beautiful old table at the center of your life. Good choice.

  5. Love old books and decorating with them. I just received 4 old books in the mail from a friend who is going through his mothers books. I choose several old, wonderful & beautiful books.

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