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A Collection of Vintage Toy Tops and Stars

I wanted to share one of my favorite little collections – vintage toy tops and odd, metal stars – before tearing it down and moving the piece of furniture it was on. A collection of old spinning tops and heavy metal stars. Ha. “Heavy metal stars.” Wonder how many Google searches that’s going to get?

Collection of vintage toy tops and metal stars

I’ve never claimed to be a photographer and taking pictures toward a window is… well, I need some lessons. The picture above isn’t so very bad, but I tried to use closeups from the same picture and saw just how blurry everything is. But I do want you to see the stars a little closer. Maybe you know what they are?

Lead stars

That was a picture with different lighting. I think the stars are lead. What in the world could they have been?

Next Monday will be pictures of this past weekend’s spur of the moment room update. It was intended to be finished by Sunday afternoon and be blogged about today, but you know me. I’m still working on it. 🙂

We’re starting to stage and price another estate sale today. It’s a small one and CLEAN. And it smells nice! Such a welcome change!

Collection of vintage tops

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