Decorating for Easter with vintage Easter decor and collectibles. Vintage Easter items, pre-1960s can be hard to find. My collection is small but fun. Quite a few are incorporated into my normal decor and showcased in this blog post.
This post has been in the plans for several weeks, but I just couldn’t get decent photos! So I gave it one more try, played with filters to get the colors right and here we are. I hope to inspire you to rescue the vintage Easter items from the attics, basements, and ultimately landfills. Because when they’re gone, they’re gone. Start your own collection if you haven’t already!
The post is picture-heavy. My apologies. I’ve tried to get them as compact and fast loading as possible.

Before we get to the nitty gritty, let’s just put this right here.
~~~~~~“He Is Risen”~~~~~~

The only two paper mache bunnies in the collection. I’d love to have more!

The basket on the right is a cottage cheese container from the 1960s.

I made the baseball skin, cabbage bowl basket several years ago and showed how here.

Two of my more unusual collections: Wire Easter egg dippers and the wax crayons from egg dye kits.

How adorable is the wooden bunny pulling the wagon? It’s a particular favorite.

Now, let’s move to the shelves in the living area:

The bunny in the box is my earliest memory of an Easter basket toy.

He’s a little worse for wear these days, but then, so am I. If only we could turn back time. And now that you’ve seen that black and white picture, you know I’m officially old!
Moving on…………

Now, a few other areas.

The tin Peter Cottontail crank toy (Turn the crank and it plays Here Comes Peter Cottontail) is another early Easter memory. The one pictured isn’t my original toy. The original probably went the way of a yard sale around 1973, but I was thrilled to find this one at an estate sale some years back.

What do you do with a nearly a hundred, good, old, hard plastic Easter eggs? Why put them in a bird cage! That doesn’t look like that many, but I counted as I put them in. I don’t remember exactly, but it was surprisingly close to 100.
There is actually more. I could have kept going, but this post is long enough already, and as I said earlier, picture-heavy. So I’ll call this one done. Hope you found some little bit, some tiny snippit of motivation or inspiration!
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