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Collecting Mother Mottos

Collection of mother mottos

Collecting Mother Mottos


This is my collection of Mother mottos. My friend Tiffany, aka The Cranky Queen, got me started collecting these. I believe she bought one from me way back when and I got to thinking what a sweet collection it would make, so, much to her dismay, I started to keep most of the rest I’d find. Aw, she’s not too dismayed. She’s got a pretty good collection going on, too. Maybe she’ll share it with us. It does make a sweet collection. I’ve always intended to mix pics of my and my husband’s mothers and grandmothers and greats in with them, but have never got around to it.

The pictures are all shadowy. The location, a hall wall, made it hard to get a good angle.

This one is reverse painted glass.


This is my favorite. I have a picture of my mother and me as a baby where she’s holding me and we’re looking in the mirror. Only problem at the moment is that it’s at Erin’s house. She was going to scrapbook a bunch of pictures.
(There’s a deep shadow on this print from the lamp that stands just in front and above.)


Want to start collecting mother mottos, but too impatient to hope to find them “in the wild?” eBay always has an excellent selection.


I’ve done it again. It took me two solid weeks to catch up with my blog reading and then life got in the way and I had to skip a few days and now I’m way behind again! Arghhhhh!!!! I think I’m figuring out what happens. I get caught up by the weekend then the blog posts slow down, but everybody blogs on Monday and Monday is my busy work day, so I don’t get to read. Everybody who didn’t blog on Monday does it on Tuesday and I’m suddenly so far behind it feels like I’ll never catch up. So deep it takes many, many hours of reading. So… STOP BLOGGING ON MONDAYS!! There. That should do it. LOL

Last week was spent glued to the TV for a couple of days. Watching with horror and shamefully, fascination, as the cameras were taping live footage of tornadoes as they were ripping apart and destroying people’s lives. I couldn’t take my eyes off the tornado as it ripped through Tuscaloosa then headed toward Birmingham. Knowing that at that very moment lives were being taken, homes and businesses were being destroyed, and people were losing everything they had. It was a helpless and horrifying feeling. And I’ll admit the fascination of watching a tornado in action. And I couldn’t stop watching. Like watching a train wreck. Then to see the devastation afterward. My heart bleeds for these people.

Our area was fortunate. We were sandwiched in between bad, bad weather and barely got any rain. Most of us are doing at least a little something to help in the relief effort.

Hope you’re all well and escaped any tornadoes and floods.

13 thoughts on “Collecting Mother Mottos

  1. Your mothers mottos are beautiful!!! You have a great collection. I just posted another example on my blog yesterday. Take a look when you get time… Happy Mother’s Day!!!

  2. I love this collection! I’m sharing it on my facebook page 🙂

  3. I love them and that you have so many makes than impact on your wall. I just accept the fact that I never catch up and try to comment at least once a week on most blogs. That works well for me. I get into gardening this time of year and get totally lost in it and may not check my pc sometimes. We all have a life…be easy on yourself! hugs?olive

  4. That’s a wonderful collectiona dn what a perfect place to display them! I love the third one with the little cottage, the colors are beautiful.

  5. I love your collection and the way you have all the frames arranged! Whenever I see these (and they’re reasonably priced), I’m quick to buy them! I’ve given a few to my mom, and now that I’m a mom, I’ve kept a few for myself. The sentiment behind them is just too sweet to pass up.

    Happy Mother’s Day,

  6. Definitely a clever idea for a collection. Thanks for sharing these. What a fun post! ~ sarah

  7. What a great collection! Now look what you’ve done! I’ll become obsessed with them too. Sheesh I wish I didn’t love everybody elses collections so much *winks* I know what you mean about not being able to stop watching. I only saw a few clips on the news but they were horrifying. I would’ve been glued too. Vanna

  8. Wanda, What amazing “mother” collectibles you have here! You really need to add those personal photos to your gallery wall. It would all look great! Girlfriend, I know what you mean about being behind in your blog reading. I have over 1000 posts to read. Who really knows how many there really are since Reader only counts as 1000+ How does this happen? LOL I guess if all I had to do was blog and do projects I would be caught up- life DOES get in the way for some of us, huh? *grin*
    Thanks for your visit and comment today. Saw that I am on your blog list- thanks so much for following along. 🙂 Sue

  9. I love your fav one too!! it is soo lovely , sweet and great words! In Chile I once heard that “mothers wuld shew the only piec of bread ther is to give it to her child” so true I would anytime! Sweeet collection and lovely spot for it ,too!
    In Australia we had the msot horrifying ciclons ever! (far from us ) we had heaps of rains as well after 10 + years of drought…whta a year!
    Hope you are ok where you live,
    P.S. I will never catch up with my blog reading…EVER!

  10. I love these sweet pictures. They make a huge impact grouped together like this and with a similar theme, the different frames look so good.
    I’m so far behind also….so many other things going on. I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.

  11. What a cute idea, I too love Mother sayings. My favorite one is the poem for a fifth child. Quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I am rocking my baby and babies don’t keep. So profound for me since my fifth child came after a miscarriage and a still birth. He was a very loved baby and now is a very loved young man at 22.

  12. Love your Mother’s mottos collection!

  13. I love the reverse painted glass it’s so colorful

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