If you’d come into the shop any time during the past year, you could have had this painting for not very much money. Like $20 or so. I can’t remember now.
But it sat there, not looking very attractive. The frame was awful. A 1980’s frame, such straight, boring lines, very tailored. Not appropriate for the flowers. I was always attracted to the flowers, and would think I needed to see what they looked like without the frame. Finally…. one day it happened.
Look how it brightened up! And look how the colors look against my living room wall at home! Yes, I brought it home thinking it might look good. More than the flowers looking good against my wall paint, the background is the color of the pottery I use in that room. The painting is absolutely perfect. So, sorry. It’s no longer for sale. I’m not ready to show how this one painting is changing that room yet, but it’s going in a whole different direction now. And I’m loving it. But now I’m on a quest to find other floral paintings and prints with these colors. It’s on a big wall all by it’s lonesome and looks odd.
So next time you see a painting or print, try to visualize it without the frame. Even if the frame is pretty it can still send a message that doesn’t fit your decor.
Wanda…You are so right…Often, I rip the frames off oils and wala! They instantly go from “nothing special” to “spectacular”…love it…Now this tip does not refer to those great old vintage frames from the earlier years (just to clarify)…Cant wait to see which way you are going with this…Tiff
Hi Wanda! Thanks for playing along on my birthday giveaway! You are right about that painting, it changed completely when you took it out of that old frame. I have a few without frames around my house, I think they look rustic artist gallery style, is that even a style? LOL xoxo
I completely agree! What a difference taking the frame off makes!
It looks totally different and how nice it just happened to fit in with your color scheme
Have a great week
Oh, this is so true. The frame can make or break the artwork. In this case, yep, it was messing it up. It looks so good all alone without that distracting frame.
I’m so sorry for the false alarm on my giveaway. Well, it will just have to be next time:)
I have often thought I would like a wall of florals without frames! This looks great and your pottery will be just perfect with it!