First, my Erin has started blogging! She’s Chic Junk. As of this writing she has one post under her belt. You’ve got to see the pictures of my grandfurbabies, Ross, Oreo, Boo and Suey. It’ll be interesting to read her version of our junking excursions together and her solo expeditions. Especially now that Lena’s not blogging any more. Hear that Lena? We miss your blogs! Erin’s also begun to put things on Etsy, but I don’t have a link to that, yet.
Do you love Alec Baldwin? His Hulu commercial just came on. I can’t get enough! I’ve always liked him, but since 30Rock, he’s become one of my favorites.
I’ve dropped the ball in visiting everyone’s blogs. I think I mention this with every post. Every week brings new determination to get back into the swing of things and every week goes by with only a little effort. Fifteen million things get in the way. I get up in the morning with a plan. Half an hour later, I’ve gone off on some other tangent that lasts the rest of the day. Sigh. It’s that same old report card note, …..What was I saying? My cats sleeping next to me. What was that noise? I wish Ricky would fix the commode. Maybe he’ll take the Christmas tree down tomorrow. STOP! I’m admitting that it’s February 6 and our tree is still up! What a sorry state of affairs my house is in. Did I wipe off the table after Chistmas? Gosh, the heat is working good. Why don’t I change the channel. I don’t like what’s on. Aw, I need to get a bath and go to bed. Ha! He’s snoring in the other room…….
Does your mind work like that?
That’s a very sweet award, and I would love to have it! Your post hit the nail on the head for me.It’s my ‘scanner’ personality!! Have a great day, and I’m off to visit Erin’s blog đŸ™‚
Well, I didn’t leave my name! Here it is!