Have I said how much I hate to see summer end? Yeah. I have. More than once. But it is fun decorating the booth for fall. I didn’t want to go overboard first time out, so only brought out the items that are fallish. Brown things, corn things, homey things, etc. and a couple of fall banners.
As usual, they were turning out the lights as I was finishing up and I didn’t get all the pictures I’d have liked to get, nor are the pictures I did get very good. But what else is new? The mall is 70 miles away, so it’s not like I can just hop back in the next day to finish up.
We’ll start with the last of summer decor. Some white and blue.
Our daughter Erin, a very talented furniture painter, now partners with us. This chest is hers. (Sold)
A recently acquired, old farm table. We discussed on Instagram and Facebook whether or not to try to “fix” the top. I decided to sell it as is and if no one wants it, we’ll bring it home and work on “fixing” it. The sign that says “Studio C?” That’s Erin. My sign was placed elsewhere. We need to figure out a good way of combining them.
An antique, drop leaf table. The top was horrible before Ricky worked his magic on it.
A fall banner lying atop the star piece, the latest farm table that Ricky built. Erin and I gripe and grumble that all he wants to build are farm tables. The tables seem to take up the whole booth! We want smaller things to play with. But they sell. Quickly. This one lasted one day. It actually sold less than 24 hours after it was put in the booth. That’s the second one this month. He can’t build them fast enough!
If you’re close to Opelika, Alabama, please drop by! The mall is well worth the visit. And be prepared to stay a big part of the day. Oh, you can cruise it in an hour, but you’ll miss an awful lot. As their billboards say, “It’s HUGE!”
You might also like to see these other posts with booth pictures:
Antique Booth Pictures for July
What’s Under the Quilt and the Latest Booth Displays
Latest Booth Additions — Booth Staging Ideas
The Latest Booth Styling Video and Pictures
New items added to our booth at Angels in Opelika AL