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What’s new?

Sheesh! I terrible at multi-tasking! I’ve been busy working – or what I call working, even though we’re supposed to be on vacation this week. We had planned to spend the week with my son, daughter-in-law and grandfurbabies, but plans changed. Ricky has worked on my new craft room all week. He’s sheet rocked, mudded and sanded. You may remember the beginning here. That was back in April. Here’s where we are now:

The pictures were taken from the far corner. Get a load of that trunk. Does that shout 80’s or what? It was back in the day I was really into folk painting. Too bad I never developed much of a talent.

We should start painting the room this weekend. Can’t wait to get my junk moved in there!


The big news is Sylacauga is getting a new antique mall, The Pickle Patch. It’s in an old car dealership on a major state highway. I’m really excited about it and am moving as much of my shop as possible over there. I was the first to pick out my space and I chose a well lit room:

(See that closet to the left in this picture? That’s Tiffany’s booth. She already has it set up and it’s just darling!)

This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. I was going nuts staying at the shop all by myself every day. I’m such a home body and finally put a sign on the door that I was open by chance or appointment. I tried seasonal events, but that was so much work for so little return. I needed a booth somewhere, but needed to still sell on the internet – my real love. The software they’ll use will enable me to check online any time to see what, if anything, has sold. Perfect! I think. Sounds good anyway. The mall opens July 30. If you’re interested in a booth drop me a note and I’ll set you up with the right folks.


And finally, I now have an Etsy shop, JustVintage2! But I think I’ve mentioned that before. I’m really liking it. We seem to be a good fit. I need to devote more time to circles and favorites and stuff, but have been spending most of my time listing things. And selling. I’ve closed my eBay store and will mainly just do auctions there now. I’m keeping the web site, because it’s my baby. So what’s new there and on Etsy? These and more I didn’t picture here:

Hope everyone’s having a good summer so far!

4 thoughts on “What’s new?

  1. WOW Wanda, the room is really coming along! Can’t wait to start decorating. Love all the Etsy items too…And Yes, I too cant wait to get the Pickle Patch Market up and open. I pray it will be a success! Tiff

  2. Wow! You sure have been a busy girl. I’m still jealous of your craft room even though it’s not completed. I want one!! Your new mall space sounds like so much fun. Can’t wait to see it all set up.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Great stuff! Thanks for telling me about the new mall! I will check it out soon.

  4. You have been very busy! Everything is looking great!

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