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Phase 1 – Done!

Got the big stuff moved into the new booth and placed. Here’s what it looks like so far:

Obviously, the little stuff that had made the move when this picture was taken isn’t arranged yet. The fun starts now. But I’m also trying to get all that little stuff on the web site and Etsy before taking it to the booth. Let me just say that I’m busy, busy, busy.


On a sad note, and this won’t be interesting to anybody but local folks, one of our landmarks burned today. One of the Avondale Mills buildings, the Eva Jane. So many of our families are connected in some way with this mill. Both sets of my grandparents worked there and my father began working there when he was 15 or 16. The mill closed several years ago and I understand had actually been sold, perhaps not to be torn down and parceled out, but today, lightening struck. With all that heart pine, there was no stopping the fire. Weather radar showed the smoke plume 10 miles away.

7 thoughts on “Phase 1 – Done!

  1. Heard about the mill on the local news, so sad. Also stopped by the new mall this week but it was not opened! Will try to get back that way sometime soon. Thanks for telling me about it!

  2. Love what I see of the booth so far! Can’t wait to see it all done 🙂

    Sorry about the mill…

  3. Your store space is sweet. I get sad about historical places burning. Sorry. You just can’t replace them.

  4. How exciting! I hope you sell tons of goodies! I wish I lived anywhere near by!*winks*
    And it is really sad that the mill burned down. All the memories and all that beautiful old wood gone…makes me want to cry! Vanna

  5. Your space is looking mighty fine…I want to come shop! It’such a shame when part of town history is destroyed.

  6. Your booth is looking great! I was so sad to see Avondale when we returned home. Now what? Oh, and, your stash that you got! Lucky Ducky!

  7. Booth is looking great!! Looks like the chippy post is staying put for now….thanks for not telling them that I made it fall and break the glass off the dressing table! Can’t wait to see the rest of the junk you get!

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