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We grand opened today!

Finally! I can relax a bit. Over a hundred flyers were mailed, around 200 were placed in an antique mall, a shop and at an auction, about 80 were distributed where Ricky works, there was an ad in the newspaper and in the local classifieds paper. People trickled in all day. We were never swamped – thank goodness – and Erin got to go home and lie in the pool. I got to continue working on inventory and made some sales. I think it was a decent Thursday for the type business it is. I’m not complaining.

Lena and my friend, Melanie, helped with finishing up cleaning and fluffing last night and they each brought food. There’s no way I can thank them enough. They are great friends.

Lena came to the house and cut flowers out of our yard and arranged them to put all over the shop. I cannot arrange flowers. Period. I’m terrible at that. It’s definitely not one of my talents. I’m glad it’s one of hers.

Here are some pictures:

Flowers as you enter the door.

The front window. It’s so hard to take a picture looking out into the light. You can click to enlarge the picture. I think.

Erin made this from instructions on Stampington’s site. (The price tag is for the basket, not the banner,)

Bugs in the chocolate?

The garden room. My favorite room and the one that takes the best pictures.

The food and register table.
Kids type stuff shelves.

I might get a couple more pictures tomorrow, but the middle room, the room in the above picture, has horrible lighting even though I use daylight bulbs. Everything has a yellowish cast. The pictures don’t turn out very pretty. The front room hasn’t changed since the last pictures so long ago, but I might go ahead and take some pictures there.

We’ll see what tomorrow brings. I believe Saturday will be the busiest day. It should be, but whether or not that is what happens in reality remains to be seen.

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