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Post-it Notes Holder Pinterest Project

Post It Note Holders From Coasters

I’m a copycat. I admit it. And am only a tiny bit ashamed. If I could come up with my own ideas, I certainly would, but I seem to be lacking that gene. Or it’s severely handicapped.

I saw this cute project on Pinterest pinned from Huckabys Happily Ever After blog.
Post-it notes holders made from coasters.

They were darling and – gasp – I thought “even I can do that!” Then my mind headed in the direction it always seems to head, “I bet I could make these and sell them for $4 each in the booths!” Yeah. Well. Maybe. I dunno. Mine don’t seem to measure up to hers. I mean, they’re cute and all, but….

Post It Note Holders From Coasters

Would anyone buy these??? Hmmm. I have such a hard time making bows. Even with the fool proof, never fail method. They’re always wonky-joed. Ribbon thinks I’m the enemy. Or something.

Anyway, if you’d like to make your own, and I’m sure yours would look much better than mine, here is the process.

First, the hard part. Find yourself some square coasters. The ones I used were cork with pictures glued to one side.

Post It Note Holders From Coasters

If the printed image on the coaster is slick – mine were – tear off the top layer of paper.

Post It Note Holders From Coasters

This leaves you with a rough surface to glue your paper of choice to. I used scraps of scrapbook paper, but thought plain, printer paper with French script stamped onto it or maybe some sheet music cut to size would be nice. Remember you’re only going to see the little bit of outside edges.

Cut your paper choice and glue or Mod Podge onto the coaster. You can do both sides if you like. I’m lazy and only did one.

Next make some bows to glue onto your clips. Another thought is to use broken jewelry or buttons or just any little doo dad that has enough surface to adhere to the clip. Don’t want it falling off the first time you bump it.

Post It Note Holders From Coasters

Simply clip the clip onto the coaster. At first, I tried to put the Post-it pad under the clip, but that just didn’t make sense. You’d have to undo it every time you wrote a note, taking away the easy of the Post-it notes. We don’t like to take away easy, do we? The clip will be used to hang the pad and holder on the wall. Or just for looks. Whatever floats your boat. Now, get a Glue Stick re-stick it stick. Geez! Isn’t there a better way to say that? Rub it on the back of your pad of Post-it notes and Bob’s your uncle! Slap that baby onto the holder and you’re done. Now, it’s painfully obvious from the picture that I didn’t stick mine down with the re-stick it stick. (The pads are sitting crooked.) The one I had was dried up and I keep forgetting to get another.

So that’s my version of a Pinterest project. Let’s see yours!



2 thoughts on “Post-it Notes Holder Pinterest Project

  1. I was trying to come up with what to giveaway for my ‘giveaway’… And thanks to you I think I may have came up with it!!! I believe I will do these!! I recently opened my dream store and am trying several different things to get it to pay for itself, seeing as how I can’t afford to pay for it.. So I have a ‘get a free gift with purchase’ ad coming out next week and have/had NO IDEA of what I am/was giving away… If you have any other idea’s they are MORE than welcome!

    I am not only a craft fanatic, I am also a post-it note hoarder… I have to admit it… along with needing intervention for pinterest I may need it worse for post-it’s. I have 2 photo boxes full and keep buying them when they are on sale or clearence.

    I do have to admit one more thing… I believe you are better at tying bows than I am, I’ll just use charms 🙂

    1. Congratulations on your store! I’m sure the little note holders will be a hit, especially with charms. 🙂

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