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Pics of last week’s thrifted vintage clothing finds

As promised. I’m amazing myself! I’m actually following up on yesterday’s blog. Ha! I CAN do it!

Erin’s Versace dress. It’s really Versus by Versace, but how cute is that?:

My 1970s Mr. Dino dress:

And a flashback to the 1980s. Did I mention these? I don’t know if anyone will ever buy them, but I’m just sticking my big toe in the vintage clothing waters and the price was right, so… why not, right? Don’t answer that.

What was with the baggy things at the hips back then??? It’s a straight skirted dress with Hammertime things at the hips. The way it hangs not on a body you can’t see the straight skirt.


Power dress? Needs gold chains at the neck, doesn’t it?:


Oh, can’t you just see the curly perm and bright lipstick? Ready to par-tay!:


Deanna at Timeless Things tagged me for 8 Things. Hmmmm… let’s see.

8 things I’m looking forward to.

1. Getting my bladder tacked! I’m tired of wetting myself. (Nothing like starting with a doozey, is there?)

2. Getting the wedding behind us…er, I mean, Erin’s wedding!

3. This weekend’s sales.

4. My first million.

5. My second million.

6. My third million.

7. Heaven, but I can wait.

8. My fourth million.

8 things I did yesterday:

1. Put some stuff on eBay

2. Blogged

3. Put one thing on the web site

4. Twittered

5. Facebooked

6. Ate, oh yeah. I ate!

7. Met some fun new people

8 things I wish I could do:

1. Reach middle and upper shelves without a stool.

2. Live a life of luxury.

3. Travel a lot. (Is that the same as #2?)

4. Loose this weight

5. Keep a clean, neat house (Translated: afford a maid).

6. Regularly find things for a couple of bucks that would sell for thousands of dollars. (Hasn’t happened, yet.)

7. Have lots of time for family, friends and fun.

8. Be 30 years old again.

Shows I’m currently watching:

1. The Office

2. 30 Rock

3. I think I might be liking Parks and Recreation

4. Ghost Hunters & GH International

5. Mad Men

6. The Tudors, but I’m just now tuning in, so having to watch from the beginning

7. Breaking Bad (same as above)

8. True Blood (also same as above)


And who’s on my Pandora station right now? Billie Holiday. From Billie to Led Zeppelin. What a range!


2 thoughts on “Pics of last week’s thrifted vintage clothing finds

  1. I loved your list! I’m still waiting for my first million too! I hope I don’t have a long wait…lol!

    Deanna 😀

  2. Hi there,

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