Only peeks of the new craft room, though. I’m far, far, far from ready to show it. There’s still a filing cabinet in here that doesn’t belong and I don’t have everything arranged. There’s also a piece I want to use in here where the filing cabinet is now.
I was given, yes given this old, hand made cabinet. It’s on an iron refrigerator base that stands, oh, 2-1/2′ tall or so. The total height of the cabinet is about 6′ and it’s over 3′ wide.
I’d just started putting things in it at that point. Still don’t have it like I want it.
When we first brought it in, Oreo investigated every inch. There is no glass on the doors. It originally had cardboard which is still on the back, but I tore it off the front and sides.
She liked it and will have a bed on one side of it.
The top now sports a suitcase my friend Melanie gave me, an old drawer and some vintage wallpaper rolls.
The state fair ribbon came from the same home as the cabinet.
I’m using these old boxes for storage and am amazed at the prices these days! I suppose that’s to be expected though with the industrial look all the rage. I’ve been lucky to find them for a dollar or two each at estate sales. The wonderful shelves you get a glimpse of were made by my husband. Such a talented man!
This is a metal shelving unit I picked up at an estate sale a few years ago.
The front of a little metal cabinet that is holding my glues.
I fell in love with these two clip boards with their fancy clips. I do believe I sense a new collection coming on.
The mid century light fixture I found late in the day at an estate sale. Set me back a whopping $2.00! The man right behind me would have snatched it up if he’d seen it first. He was so jealous.
The shade to the lamp on my desk. Another bargain. Don’t remember how much now, but the brass lamp with its original shade was well below $20.00. I had it for sale in my shop, but hoped all along that no one would buy it even though, at the time I had no idea where I could use it in my home. But it found a spot! Yay!
You might have figured out that I’m going with an industrial/mid century modern look. I find the two styles go well together. One of these days I’ll have the room finished enough to show the whole thing. Who knows when, though?
So what’s been going on lately? I’ve been obsessed… OBSESSED… with trying to get a pants pattern to fit me perfectly. Years ago, I had a pattern that I used to make all my pants. It fit correctly and I never had to go buy pants, trying on pair after pair after pair. I’ve gained a lot of weight since then and things have shifted. Toward the floor. So the tweak I made way back then doesn’t work now. I tried a few years ago and finally gave up. But got a hankering, a determination, to do it again. It’s too time consuming and frustrating trying to find ready made pants to fit. I have a weird “crotch oddity”. Oh, I’m not deformed or anything like that. My be-hind is somewhat lower than the industry standard.
I’ve been consulting the book Pants For Real People (a book I highly recommend, by the way, and found a similar fitting tutorial that was on sew-whats-new.com years ago. (I’m glad I printed that out since it’s no longer there.) I’ve tried all the suggestions these two sources have given, tried a Bonfit sloper thingy, made countless muslins, all with no progress. I did find Don McCunn’s web site and he’s addressed my particular problem, so I think the solution is right around the corner. I’m taking a few days break from them, though because our son is up for a visit for a couple of days.
Now you’re totally up to date with my fascinating life. Fascinating. Baaaahahahahaha!
What a great cabinet! Looks like the room is going to be a winner.
Wow, what a steal on that danish light! I love those things. I’ve been looking for one for a long time. Haven’t quite found one to pull the trigger on but that one I would have bought for far more than you paid! The room is looking great.
What fabulous little snippets of awesome pieces! Cannot wait to see more! *e*
What a great cabinet and I’m glad Oreo approves. Can’t wait to see all of it!
So beautiful! I just came across your blog, love it! you def have a new follower!
Have you heard that there is to be a Messy Workroom blog hop April 21st? You already have the before pictures and I would love to see the progression or after shots.
Shoot me an email and I can tell you exactly where to sign up.
I know the start point is called B’Sue’s Boutique.
Or look here for more info http://www.frequency.com/video/bsues-craft-room-tour-messy-workshop-s/38726133