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19 Big Burlap Bags

Ah….. How many of us would get excited to see a sign at a yard sale saying, “Burlap Bags”? But I didn’t see any, so asked about them. She hadn’t had time to get them out yet and asked if I wanted one. Well, I might want more than one if she’ll bring them out. She did. And I did. She said they were big, but I didn’t realize just how big. 41″ x 37″ in bag form. Double that if you open them up. They were a darn good price and I bought them all. All 19 of them.

But what does one do with 19 big burlap bags?? Yeah, yeah. I know. Share with friends, maybe sell a few. But I want to be sure I’ve had my fill before getting rid of any. So, OK. Make a pillow, cover a chair seat and/or back, make some kind of sign. Table runner. I don’t think any of my rooms could use them as curtains. I suspect the lady selling them had the same problem. I can imagine she was excited to get them then ran out of ideas of what to do with them. Or didn’t have the time to put the ideas in motion or lost motivation.

Since a stack of burlap isn’t a very interesting picture, while I was outside I took a few pictures of some blooming things. Oh, don’t worry. I won’t do endless pictures of flowers. Some folks enjoy seeing pics of flowers, some don’t.

That picture is just too bright.

These are better:

My husband started these pink flowers from breaking a sprig off his mother’s plant. He’s the gardener in the family, taking after his mother and grandmother. I stay away. There seems to be flower poison in my skin. I can’t grow anything.

That’s what I do. Put the garden junk in strategic places. This is a great little corner that needs some thought. I bought this cooler a couple of weeks ago and just set it there in the corner to keep from piling it up somewhere until it found its home. Maybe it’ll stay there, maybe it’ll go somewhere else or maybe I’ll sell it. Who knows?

1 thought on “19 Big Burlap Bags

  1. The burlap is an exciting purchase. I must be the only blogger who does not own a single item made of burlap. I swim against the stream on this one-too expensive. Maybe I will run across some like you did one day.

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