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Snapshots Of Our Home – Home Tour Part 2

Blue canning jars in a kitchen window. The kitchen in the home tour of our old house.

Home Tour Part 2

Continuing with the home tour of what will from now on be called, The Old House. How sad! I love this house! Moving to the new house will be exciting, but I feel like this house will have its feelings hurt. Oh. I’m getting teary. Sniff. 

Anyway. Let’s move into the den and kitchen. I’m skipping the dining room today because I didn’t get pictures yet. Thought I had some of the whole room, but I didn’t.

The Den

Primitive cabinet with a mix of mid century, florals, and fancy golds.

This is one of my favorites. I enjoy the mix of primitive, mid-century modern (the genie bottle), florals and fancy gold. It just makes me happy. Such a rebel, I am! Hehe.

Primitive cabinet with a mix of mid century, florals, and golds

Vignette of mixed styles of mcm, feminine, Victorian, and florals

Colorful Mexican bowls on a mantle

The mantle was originally just a row of bricks. That row of bricks is still there but under the wood mantle. I saw a picture of a mantle very much like this in a magazine and asked Ricky if he could make one. Why, yes. Yes, he could. I distressed it a bit. At the moment, it has my collection of colorful Mexican painted bowls. I picked up the painting that goes so well with them at an estate sale. All these came either from an estate or a yard sale.

It’s hard to tell, but the art in the middle of the oval frame is a collage art person made by my friend Tiffany.

The TV end of the den

Gotta have the TV somewhere. This is the opposite end of the room from the mantle. This is “my room”. Ricky and I watch different TV. 

The shutter on the door – the main reason for taking this picture – was off of….. well doggone it! I don’t know what it came off of! But I pulled it out of a storage building on Ricky’s parents’ property. I really want to say it was on the old outhouse, but I probably made that up. I doubt an outhouse would have pretty shutters. 

Chippy drawer vignette

Another one of my very favorite things. I’m pretty sure I’ll pick this up as is and hope I can find the perfect place for it in the new house. The whole vignette didn’t cost me more than $10 if that. Chippy green drawer, metal bust, marshmallow tin filled with vintage, crepe paper flowers, and a simple hobbyist floral still life painting.

Primitive desk

I fell in love with this primitive desk in an antique shop back when things were horribly expensive. I don’t remember how much it was now, $200-300 I think. I had a yard sale and used the money made to buy it. That was over 30 years ago and I still love it. Primitive furniture is probably my favorite. But I love so many other styles, too! Hence my crazy mixed up style.

Sheep under a cloche

On top of that primitive desk are nativity sheep under cloches. The one sitting directly on the table is a conglomeration of disparate parts. (Did I even use those big words correctly?) I repurposed. The base is a lamp base. The glass cloche is a candle cup turned upside down. The sheep is sitting on a spike flower frog. 

The sheep under the cloche on top of the books is also sitting on a lamp base. I stipple painted a peat pot and put some reindeer moss in the top for the sheep to sit on. The cloche is a small lamp dome. There is a metal black sheep standing outside. 

Chippy paint iron trough

The other side of the table has this thing. Do you know what it might be? I don’t. It’s iron and hea-vy. Could it be for Holy water? I don’t have enough Catholic experience to know if that’s a possibility or not. I stuck a calendar plate in it on a whim. 

Iron filing cabinet turned into an end table

This is an older picture of the iron filing cabinet at the side of the armchair. I bought it at a yard sale for $5 back before my mother got sick. So sometime before 1998. It was just the cabinet. No feet. I used it on a counter to hold recipe cards for a long while, then by my desk. I had these little metal feet that came from a yard or estate sale and had Ricky cut a base for it to sit on and it makes the perfect end table! 

The candle holder sitting on top of it is another lamp base. Cost me a whole dollar. And it’s also one of my favorite things.

The kitchen

Not much to see here folks. I’ve already edited out most of my pretties so people looking at the house will see how much counter space there is. 

But I’ve tried for the longest, off an on for a couple of years, to get a picture of the blue canning jars in the window and could never get a good one. It would always be too dark, no matter what I tried. I finally focused on the cabinet next to the window and then pointed the camera to the window. Bingo! Hardly professional, but at least you can see them!

Blue canning jars in the kitchen window

Blue canning jars in a kitchen window

There’s a little room next to the kitchen that was originally a porch. We think. When we were redoing the kitchen, I was big into collecting cookbooks and elected to keep this a separate room and use the shelves to hold the cookbooks and thought I could sit in there to plan meals. Baaaahahahaha! As if. I collected cookbooks just to read and look at the pretty pictures. I finally gave up most of the collection. Donated some and still have a good many to sell. Just gotta get busy! Cain’t nobody buy ’em if they cain’t find ’em!  The room can be an office, but I always thought of it as a pantry. 

Kitchen pantry

Kitchen pantry collections

Sometimes we need a place just to decorate. Ricky built the shelves before he became a “professional” woodworker/furniture builder.

Kitchen pantry collections

Good grief! Look at the difference in the color of the last two pictures. Must be how the light was shining in. And in case you’re wondering, you’re seeing things from the viewpoint of a… um… petite person. Okay. I’m 4’10”. There. I said it. Got that out of the way. I usually have some kind of heels on pushing me to a bit over 5′, but I was barefooted taking these pictures.

Boy pushing a wheelbarrow planter filled with flower shaped, mother of pearl buttons, under a large cloche.

This is another one of those things I can’t bear to change. The little boy pushing a wheelbarrow full of flower shaped, mother of pearl buttons. It sits on a glass cake stand and is under a large cloche, probably a clock dome.

Collection of nondescript bottles.

These bottles are pretty nondescript, but make an impression grouped together. I put some vintage artist brushes in one and broken prisms as stoppers in a couple of others. I wonder if I’ll be able to get the arrangement right when I have to move them? And where will they go? Hmmm…… This should be fun. And, I’m certain, frustrating.

This ends today’s tour. Hope you come back to visit!

Click here for Home Tour Part 1

And here for Home Tour Part 3

4 thoughts on “Snapshots Of Our Home – Home Tour Part 2

  1. Love how you decorate Wanda! You definitely have a flair. I’ve enjoyed both tours, and I hope more will be forthcoming. Enjoyed seeing everything. Love that chippy shutter serving as a backdrop for all the little bottles. Love the mantel! Ricky is also very talented at woodworking.

  2. […] Click here to see part 2, the kitchen, butler’s pantry, and den  […]

  3. […] forgot to mention it’s cheap, too! The cost of the flags was about $6.00. I had the bucket. ~ You may have seen it in the kitchen “pantry” in the old house. ~ It’s an old, some-kind-of-bucket with a hanger on it. Maybe a type of syrup bucket?? […]

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