Home Tour pt. 3
We’ve started the process of moving. Since this house hasn’t sold yet, we’re kinda taking our time, trying not to wear ourselves out. But I can feel myself getting antsy to be totally moved.
I’m staying home today to pack and clean while Ricky goes to the new house to wait on the washer and dryer. Did I say I was going to pack and clean? But here I sit…..
Here are a couple more rooms in the house we’re leaving. Such a bittersweet feeling.
The Dining Room
This dining room is pretty small and I found a pretty dining room suite, actually bought at different times, that fit perfectly. It doesn’t fit so perfectly in the new house. It looks so dinky there! Those large rooms and high ceilings cause it to be lost in the expanse.
Close-up of the stacked, brown transferware demitasse cups under a cloche. I love cloches. They make dusting so much easier! Also in this picture is the small collection of armless, frozen Charlottes I bought at an estate sale last year. (Are they called frozen Charlottes if they had detachable arms??)
Oops. Fuzzy picture. I apologize for making you want to rub your eyes!
The other side of the buffet with brown transferware.
The opposite wall of the buffet.
A closer look at the top of the dining room cabinet. My friend, Tiffany, collects demi-Johns. I had never given them a thought until I saw hers. I don’t need a collection. One will do just fine.
Also in this vignette is a Roseville vase from my mother’s and antique pictures of an unknown couple.
The French doors lead into the living/dining room combination. I thought I was so clever putting the small, floral prints on top of the door facing. I still like it. I always wanted a couple more, maybe replace the lone white background – or find another with a white background. I found all these fairly quickly then never saw another!
(And, in case you noticed and cringed, popcorn ceilings never bothered me.)
This next room has always been called The Playroom, because that’s what the people we bought the house from called it. It was originally the carport that the last owners closed in and is now the first room anyone who actually knows us enters. So it was never used as a playroom. It did, however, become “Ricky’s Room”, where he watches TV. The den is my room.
These first two pictures are pics the realtor took. The lighting in that room prevents a getting a good picture! I couldn’t get any that were better than this, so I used hers.
This is looking into the room if you were coming from outside.
And the next is looking toward the carport:
And no, that little footstool does not belong in front of the TV cabinet. And I see the coffee table is askew. And there was normally some decor on it.
This is where keys and things are laid normally. The chest is always a mess. Speaking of the chest, I found it at the estate sale of a local doctor in the basement, covered in green paint — at a time that it was more desirable to not be painted. At least not that paint. So I started stripping. And quickly gave up. After a couple of years, Ricky got tired of looking at it and asking if I was ever going to do anything with it, then decided to finish it for me. What a grumbly sweetheart! Being oak, much of the paint had soaked into the wood. I love the way it turned out. I hope to talk about it more in the new house.
I do love my primitive pieces! I just wish the lighting didn’t wash everything out in the photo. The painting – that’s yes, hanging crooked, arghhhh! – has a big gash in it. That’s why it only cost me $10. I found my mending tape when packing up a junk drawer. If I ever see it again, I may try to at least make the rip lay flat.
Now, let’s take a look at
The Hall
One of the things I love about this house is the wide hall. I always thought perhaps the plans had allowed for an optional second story and the stairs would go here. If we could have picked up this house and taken it to 3 or 4 acres, we would have added to our heart’s content.
The Bedrooms
This bedroom was totally cleaned out for showing. It’s the granddaughters’ room. Normally, toys are everywhere. Looking at the picture, it bothers me that the bedspread wasn’t straight across the bottom. But, these were just snapshots. I wasn’t trying to get magazine-worthy pictures. Not that I could actually do that no matter how hard I tried!
I was using the other guest bedroom as a sewing room and cleaned it out immediately for showing, so nothing to see there.
I’ve never liked the way our master bedroom looks. The bedroom suite was my grandmother’s. She passed away 8 years before I was born. From all accounts, she was a wonderful person. I would love to have known her. At least I have her bedroom suite. It’s not my taste, but I would never get rid of it! It will be in the designated guest bedroom in the new house. I have plans that should make it look good!
Here’s a realtor picture:
The chest to the right is the only picture I took. I started collecting “girls on rocks” prints years ago. I don’t think I’ve paid over $5 for any of them. The picture below shows one of them – complete with crazy reflections. One thing this house has is fabulous natural daylight! I’m gonna miss that in the new house.
So, this may be the end of the pictures. The outside looks… not so good right now. Ricky got a wild hair and cut all the landscaping bushes down to a nub. The weather isn’t warm enough for the landscaping around the pool to come to life. But here are a few old pictures I’ve taken through the years:
That is probably my favorite picture of the front. The flag flying in the wind and the caladiums.
This picture is really just for the oak tree on the right. There are two in the front yard, both bigger than in this picture. They are around 60 years old now! Something else I’m really going to miss. (The tree on the left is a poplar.)
One of the Pride Of Mobile azaleas in the back. They had a long life, maybe 45-50 years, but sadly, we lost them a year or two ago.
The girls cleaning the windows before a family gathering a couple of years ago. One of the rare occasions our son and family were here. His daughter is the brunette, Sophie. That’s Dani on the left. She lives in the city we’re moving to. I wish they were both near.
And finally, two years ago when 3-year-old Dani learned to jump off the diving board. We’re so going to miss the pool!
See parts one and two of the home tour:
Wanda, I just LOVE all your antiques & your style of decorating! You could give me some tips. I love the little pictures over the door frame, love the chippy chest with the green paint from the doctor’s house, & love your bedroom suite. You’re right, when you get things moved into the new house, you probably won’t like much at first until you figure out what works & how you can fill things in. Keeping fingers crossed that you can sell your lovely house soon.