Alternate title: Leave no wall empty. Alternate title #2: Decorating with collections. I couldn’t decide.
So do you hang things in the narrow spaces of your walls? Sometimes I think they’re easier than the huge expanses. Heck. I know they’re easier than the really long walls.
Art Nouveau Lamp Finials:
(Yeah, yeah. I need a new light to replace the dated, 1980s, hanging fixture. There’s always something needing to be done or replaced.)
I bought those Art Nouveau lamp finials years ago on eBay. If I remember right, they set me back a whole $9.00. It might have been more, but surely not much. I didn’t have money then, either. I’ve struggled with a way to display them all these years. Had them in a little vase, but they were top heavy and finally after the 49th time of tumping over, the vase broke. Surprising it lasted that long. So then I put them in an open box/tray thingy. That was OK, but nobody would ever see them that way. Then my friend Tiffany suggested I hang them. Duh. I couldn’t have thought of that? Guess not since I didn’t.
This little wall separates the living room from the foyer. Now I get to enjoy the finials every time I walk through that room. Maybe company won’t think I’m goofy for hanging them there. Some will like the idea, others will look at me like I have three heads – or more likely, talk about me or laugh.
Beaded and cut steel purses:
This is a little space between hubby’s closet and the bathroom. (I closed the bathroom door because….. oh, the horrors! Someday, hopefully, that will be a before and after post.) The large purse and the one on the right were my grandmother’s. She had moved in with her sister after my grandfather passed away. Then some years later, Mamaw joined him, leaving her sister with all the stuff. I was visiting her one day and found her in a tizzy. She’d lost her keys. We searched that house over, even to the point of looking in drawers. In a drawer in the dining room, of all places, I found those two purses. One even had a bunch of silver dollars. Who knows how old they were?! I asked if I could have the purses and she graciously said “of course.” I did not take the money, but I’m pretty sure it quickly went to some other relatives. I won’t go into that bitter story here. It still smarts all these years later. Oh, we never found the keys. Now, 20 years later, I wonder if her nephew had taken them from her?
The other two purses: Both were found at estate sales. One in a little trunk full of doll clothes. Some lucky, little girl had got to play dress up with the purse. The other was out by itself, but very reasonably priced.
Here’s more of an overall view of that side of the room, albeit not a great one.
So, let’s get out there and hang things on our narrow walls!
I looked at eBay and Etsy for finials and beaded/cut steel purses. The finials were enh. And not suitable for hanging. But the purses on Etsy…. gasp! To. Die. For! And made me realize what a lucky duck I am to have got mine for pennies! Here’s an affiliate link to see beaded and cut steel purses available on Etsy today.
Geez, thanks a lot. Now I have to start a whole new collection, and I have too much stuff already!! But man!!!!!! Those lamp pieces are sooooooo gorgeous on a wall like that, I gotta get some now!
I am so happy you got the purses ! I have one that was my Aunties and treasure it.
Little wall spaces huh…welll lemmee tell you a story. Some years ago my DH and I were sitting in our recliners watching tv. He looked up and yelled “OH NO !!! QUICK QUICK QUICK !!!” I said “Whats wrong, whats wrong?” to which he replied “LOOK ! There is an empty spot on the wall !!! Go out and BUY something to put there !!! ” Well we all know he thought he was being funny. Ha Ha. But I immediately got up, put on my jacket and grabbed the credit cards and off I went. Nope, not many spaces on any of my walls. funny thing though, he hasn’t made a comment like that in years….. :))
Those purses are gorgeous!
And I love that you called her Mammaw, I had one of those, too. đŸ™‚
Have a wonderful Friday!
Those purses are really beautiful- And they look to be in pristine condition. And I love the finials – Hanging them was an excellent idea.
I love the finials on the wall! My Sister and I are always saying that no wall space or corner is safe from our stuff. I think if you have a wall, then hang something on it. You did good. Those little purses are so sweet and of course, very special.
A great idea since what currently adorns those narrow walls in our house is son’s fingerprints – he just can’t keep his hands of the walls even at age 13! Maybe if there was something on the wall, he’d keep his hands to himself lol – thanks for the idea!