Summer has been a whirlwind of work, funerals, some fun and a myriad of other busy things, but I did manage to bring an old turquoise (Or would that be mint green?) door from the storage unit to the house. I had this door when I had the shop. If I remember right, I got it for under $10.00. I want to say it was a dollar, but… surely not! Right? (There was no price on it and the seller quoted a price for a plain ol’ cheap door then decided to honor the price when he found out it was the wrong door. We’ve been friends ever since.) I used it for display at the shop and when we closed the shop, the door went to the storage unit. I got a bee in my bonnet to bring it home this summer and I’m so glad I finally did. I. Love. It.
The stand with the cloche began life as a floor ashtray. It had belonged to my grandparents – who didn’t smoke, but back then you kept ashtrays for company who did – and had lived in my parents’ basement for umpteen years. Not sure why. My mother did smoke. Maybe she was even the one the ashtray was for originally. But she never used it in her house. Oh, wait. She was probably looking for a glass ashtray to fit the bowl.
When Daddy moved, it came home with me. But what was I going to do with a floor ashtray? We don’t smoke and don’t allow it in the house, so….. Oh! The handle comes off! It’s held on with screws from underneath. My first thought was to put a large candle in it, then my friend Melanie gave me these rolled up book pages from her daughter’s wedding. She had used them instead of candles in candlesticks. Great idea, but I decided to put them under a cloche.
Hope you’ve been having a great summer. Local kids are going back to school this week. I miss the days of school not starting until after Labor Day like when I was a kid. But since our children are grown and the grands aren’t in school yet, summer continues for us as long as the weather stays hot. The heat wears me down, but I am not ready to give it up!
Speaking of grandchildren, here it comes. đŸ™‚ Yes, Nonna has to show you who spent last weekend with us.
Dani, the blond, and Sophie, the brunette. With 500 miles separating them, they don’t get to see each other often and this time, these 2 year olds became BFFs. Before this picture was taken, we left in separate cars to go to the restaurant. They were screaming for each other because they weren’t riding together. Obviously, all was right with their world when we arrived 5 minutes later.
These are fantastic! Thanks so much for stopping by our “Everything But the Kitchen Sink” Link Up! We hope you will come back again.
I love this- the door is amazing! Thanks for stopping by our “Everything But the Kitchen Sink” Link party! I hope you’ll join us again!
This is such a good Idea. I see those floor ashtrays at thrift stores all the time!
Stacey, I’m kinda thinking I might start watching for them now. đŸ˜‰
I love the door and what a steal too! I recently found a beautiful old door that I wanted to purchase but after a little investigation we determined it was painted with lead paint and thought it wouldn’t be a good fit in our home. I still think about that door though.
Thanks, Susan. No doubt this one has lead paint too, but it’s stuck on there really good. Then again, the paint might be even older than that.
Great idea, I’m getting mine out of polebarn! We don’t smoke or allow it so I never brought it in.