I don’t know what’s got into me! I actually did a little project! And finished!!! Could this be a sign of rejoining civilization?
Antique pictures altered for Halloween:
I’m sure I don’t need to explain how I did these. I think I got the idea from you guys, but I will just in case.
I copied some old pictures (copying made strange lines across them for some reason) and drew masks and hats on some. Found some clip art of cats, pumpkins and skulls and printed them, cut them out and glued them on the pictures. I then glued the pictures on thin cardboard.
Now, to figure out something clever to do with them.
Wanda, I was so glad to see you stop by! I haven’t heard anything from you in so long and now you’ve rejoined the land of the living! Good job on your project…I still have to do my Jack’O Lantern!
Love this idea. And why have I never bought old photos before? I used to see them all the time. Now I see lots of cool ideas now and no old photos, lol.
Oh those look like such fun Wanda!
They look tooooo cute! Love ’em!