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The granddoggies Howl-o-ween — Dog Halloween Costume

The city where my daughter lives has a doggie costume contest every year around Halloween, called Howl-o-ween. This year it was on Halloween. I am ashamed to admit I was so happy to have somewhere to go last night instead of staying home alone to hand out candy. Ricky always seems to be working and the job is left up to me. Not that I don’t enjoy it while it’s happening, but….

So Erin dressed The Boys up and I joined them at the parade. Ross was a Chia Pet and Rip was Antoine of internet fame.

“We’re so happy to be here!”

Ross the Chia Pet.

Waiting patiently for a treat.

Rip, the winner of the Best Handmade Costume. Erin was dressed up as the “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” lady. Wish I’d got a full picture of her. She was unrecognizable.


3 thoughts on “The granddoggies Howl-o-ween — Dog Halloween Costume

  1. Howdy! Sounds like you had sooo much fun! The doogies look precious in their costumes! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Awwwww they’re so cute in their costumes! That looks like so much fun! Congrats on the win! I wish we could’ve seen your DD too. Love “Howl-O-ween! *winks* Vanna

  3. Love those dogs! Too funny. I know you are a proud Grandma of those grandpups!

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