Yes, I know it’s been awhile since I’ve updated the blog. I’ve been told that numerous times. Yes, I’m still alive. And yes, there’s been at least one call asking that. I’ve been asked by more than a few people why I haven’t blogged lately. There were lots of excuses – work, sick cat (she’s fine now), busy, no time, no inspiration, nothing interesting going on to talk about, overwhelmed trying to do too much… And yes, it was all these things and half the time I was in a funk. Almost depressed. About nothing. But I believe I’ve figured out the underlying reason. My surroundings were in chaos. (That’s no earth shattering revelation for those who know me.) The house was in a mess. The shop was in a mess. There was no calming oasis. Only sleep.
What brought me to this realization? I started cleaning house. Really cleaning. I’ve worked 2 days in one room. The room I live in the most. Rearranged some book shelves that I haven’t seen in two years because the new TV was big, sat on a high piece and totally covered the book shelves. You can imagine the dust. Ahhh-choo! Ricky got a bee in his bonnet to take out the old TV cabinet that the new TV was sitting on. The TV is now sitting on a painted wooden box. This won’t be permanent (but if it’s like the old TV cabinet we’ll have a new TV before I find the right piece). The room got cleaned up and straightened and dusted and vacuumed. Got the dust worms off the always in motion ceiling fan blades – how does even that happen?? Got rid of books I haven’t looked at in years and have lost interest in the subject. And it feels so good!
Even though there are still things to be done in this room – hand prints on the French doors, torn curtains to mend – I’m ready to move on to another room. Repeat the process. It’s invigorating to have a clean home. Inspiring. Makes me want to do other things. And I’ve only done this one room. Got 9 more to go plus two bathrooms and the hall. Two of those rooms are blank canvasses.
Erin came and took her old twin bed home. She wanted it for one of their spare bedrooms. I have plans for her old room. I’m thinking I want to try to let that be the white and gray room with touches of a pale blue-green.
The other blank canvas is my new craft room! It’s ready for me to move into, finally! Inspired by the new Restoration Hardware catalog, I decided to go with an industrial look. We’ll see how that goes. But at least I’ll have something to blog about in the coming days.
One more thing that needs to be done before I can relax, no, two more things. I’m desperate to get all the closets and drawers cleaned out and get the shop clean and most of my stuff moved out and into the booths. I’ve decided not to worry about putting it all on Etsy first. Get all that stuff out there for sale in person and start fresh with Etsy later. Ricky will be taking over the shop for his hobby/workshop.
Even if we’re not looking at the messes, they’re somewhere in the back of our minds, nagging, taunting, bringing us down. Should I chronicle the process? Would it help inspire anyone out there? What if I get tired or bored or lose interest and quit tomorrow? (Likely.) Or get busy with work or something again? Should I take before and after pictures? Appall everyone with my clutter? What if there’s only a before and never an after? I’d be pretty darn embarrassed. So I dunno.
You know what’s funny? I’m reading Funky Junk’s 31 Days, Blog to Biz, hanging on every word because… Me too! That’s what I want to do! And I can’t even keep up a week at a time. Sheesh.
I can really relate to this Rae. I don’t know why …Ok I do know why…all this shopping and all this stuff has added up to a real mess. And mess in my life =’s stress and depression. And I feel like I barely have the energy to get off my bum much less go on a cleaning bender. So what was the most motivating factor for you? I NEED to know *winks* Vanna
Crap Wanda! I know you’re Wanda! Lol! I was trying to comment on two blogs at the same time…I’m such a dork! Sorry about the name snafu. *bows head in shame*
I’m pretty sure that’s about all that would motivate me also my friend. I often joke to my husband that we need to invite people over more often so the “honey do” list gets done. It’s about the only time it does. *winks* Vanna
That shelf looks almost as good in pic as it does in person! You have so much GREAT stuff at your house to inspire you! I’m glad you are back at it! You can borrow my motto: inch by inch anythings a cinch!! It it weren’t for 10 minute increments I wouldn’t get anything done!!
Love, Love, Love the shelves above the television. They look fantastic! I am so glad you are out of your funk! I need all the support from my gal pals that I can get right now… Okay…for your best (most anal Annie) friend…before moving on to the other rooms…please mend the curtains! LOL Tiffany
I love the way you have the shelves decorated. Great job !!
The suitcases stacked to store stuff in is a great idea. I have some of the old brown samsonite up in the attic, I think. I just don’t have any where to stack them. Can’t wait to see your new studio.