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Old Times, part deux

Saturday, Erin came up and went to the sales with me. Good girl. I raised her right. She has a good eye. We had so much fun! At one sale, we spent as much time going through the trash on the street as we did inside the house. I won’t say what we pulled from the trash and you’re not likely to be able to figure it out. Some things look like they might have been, but we actually paid for them. Others look like they’d have been in the house, but were in the garbage.

We hit five estate sales that day and tried for #6, but they’d already closed up. I can’t remember what came from which sale, so I’ll just share pictures and try to remember as I go.

Sunday she and I went back to the fab estate and got several things half price which was still more than we wanted to pay, but not so bad.



These two pieces were from the good stuff sale. Erin found the dresser or desk tray on the right. It’s marked made in Italy. I bought the thing on the left, I don’t know what you call it. It was dirty and I was afraid the dirt was permanent stains, but washing it revealed a lovely piece. I did note there was a hairline crack in the lid. As I was shaking the water off the bowl, a handle hit the faucet and broke clean off. Uh, oh. Too bad. Guess it’s mine now. (The tray is now sold. I still have the bottom of the bowl stored away.)
Also from the good stuff sale. That’s an early spongeware bowl. Quite old. The pitcher was described as “early”. I’m not sure “early” what. (Both these items are now sold.)
Erin found the brown transferware at another sale, but the alabaster tumbler and little dish was from the good stuff sale. Those initials are mother of pearl. The other side has an inlaid design. (The tumbler and plate are now sold. I kept the bowl.)

All from the good stuff sale. Sugar shaker, milk glass dresser box (unwashed in the picture – cleaned up nicely) and silver shaker with cobalt insert. (All the above items are now sold.)

That plate is Brougham and Mayer? I think? Something like that. It is going to try to find a place at my house. The colors are right for a couple of rooms. The ironstone pitcher was from another sale. (The pitcher is sold. I kept the plate, but it might be for sale in the future.)

I know nothing about those two vases. They sure look Art Deco, don’t they? All three of these things came from the sale with the trash. No they were not free. (All 3 items are now sold.)

Curtain tiebacks. Great color, don’t cha think?
Erin’s find of frame corners, wood things and glass things.

More to come tomorrow.

I still haven’t had the courage to take the web site down to fix it. It just seems like it’s going to be so much trouble. What a headache!

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