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Thursday Sales – Bad Yard Sale Sign

Furniture sale sign

I picked up our local want ads paper to see what might be going on in the way of sales this weekend and saw one advertised for Thursday (today) at 2:00. It was already almost three, but I figured I’d go see what they had. It turned out to be a no show. Glad it was only a couple of miles away. BUT…. when I pulled out of my driveway, on the stop sign post at the street corner, I saw this bad yard sale sign:

Furniture sale sign

Wait! What does that say??? Does that sale “Sale?” _uk___e?? The wind blew it enough that I could figure out that “K” was supposed to be an “R.” It must say….. “FURNITURE SALE!” It was on a piece of notebook paper and most likely written by a child. 

I had a feeling I knew where this was. Just a few houses up from me. I don’t know the people or the situation, but know enough that I was correct in the location. 

When I pulled up, a young boy, about 8 or 10 came out to greet me. There was obviously (hopefully) an adult there since there was a car in the driveway with the trunk open. Perhaps they’re moving? Anyway, there was a handful of things at the end of the driveway for sale. Four or five pieces of small furniture, mostly new-ish and beat up and some new-ish accessories. Nothing for me, but I felt the need to help somehow. I just couldn’t figure out how. Kinda thought I might send Ricky up tomorrow. 

I drove up the street and turned around. Took a video on the way back. But it’s not working when I load it here or even YouTube. So…. no video. Yet.

So where have I been the past couple of weeks? Our son and his daughter came up to stay for a few days, we had a bunch of folks over and I had to clean up around here preparing for all that. I’ll try to share some of that next week.

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