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Surprise, surprise! Look what I found!

This morning I was rummaging through a drawer I rarely look in, but was convinced the item I was looking for had a good chance of being in that particular drawer. Stacks of wrapping paper and plate hangers were piled out and then…. Hey! I forgot I had these!



These little spooly, balls of perle cotton. They are tiny. The largest is only about 2″ diameter. I always admire how so many of you decorate with the cones of thread and vintage balls of crochet thread and now I get to play with my own. They will go into a little bowl or glass jar, but where they’ll sit, I have no idea.

Then later on this afternoon I was rearranging the top of a cabinet. Took down a stack of tin boxes. They’ve been in the same place for years. The arrangement looked good and I just didn’t see any reason to change, but I’m in that mood right now. I’ve dusted around them and slid them from one spot to the other, but apparently haven’t picked them up in a long time. The big one rattled.



What could be inside? Oreo was curious, too.






Look at all those tins! And just the other day I was wondering what ever happened to the Edison tube thingy. But… why? What did I want to do with it? AND — What am I going to do with all those tins I’d forgotten about?


6 thoughts on “Surprise, surprise! Look what I found!

  1. Hello Wanda!
    What Wonderful Finds! I Have stuff Hidden away too! And its Like “Oh Yeah! I remember this!Lol!
    Thank You for Your Visit and your Sweet Comments!
    Happy Tuesday!

  2. I like the new look!! What ya gonna do w/ all those tins? I’m thinking we need to have a craft nite w/ tins…

  3. Finding those tins is like finding money in your pocket of a jacket! Tammy collects old tins…maybe a birthday gift already in the works…Glad to be home…exhausted mentally and physically…Diet and exercise starts tomorrow…too young to feel this tired. Love ya, Tiff

    P.S….like the new look!

  4. I love finding stuff I forgot about. I changed the look of my blog too. Definitely spring fever.

  5. Don’t you love it when you find things you forgot you have! Shopping for free in your own home đŸ™‚

  6. I love the little spools…I am afraid to open some drawers, oh I’ll confess, some doors too! Yes, I am one of those who decorates with my spools and hand spun yarn. My spring mantel is a perfect example…


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