Just wanted to show off a couple of things my hubby built. Now that he’s “retired” he has time to pursue his love of woodworking.
First, this red and grey/gray (I never know which to use) bookcase. This is the 4th one like this he’s made and I don’t have one yet! Our daughter got the first one and the next two sold. This one is in Longleaf antique mall in Alex City, Alabama. Sorry I forgot to get a picture of it all nicely set up. This picture is under the carport.
Bookcase is sold.
This next one is the first he’s made like this. He’d seen a larger one and decided to make one more scaled down. He doesn’t use patterns.
Bookcase is sold.
I did get this picture in the booth and not under the carport, but it was taken with my phone and the quality is awful! The phone usually takes better pictures than that. This one is at the Pickle Patch Market in Sylacauga, Alabama.
I’m so envious of his talent. He can do anything he sets his mind to. I, on the other hand, can’t do squat. Eight out of 10 of my projects get canned. But I’m not going there today. I’ve been on a poor, pitiful me trip lately about how I’m just not good at anything, no real talent for anything, etc. But I’m snapping out of it and continuing to plug along “as if”. Pretending. Maybe if I keep on keeping on, the things I wish were, will be.
Wanda … Thanks so much for stopping by our blog … I love your story of your shoulder being lower on one side .. I have to admit I hate carrying a purse … and I have tried not to but a girl just has stuff she needs along the way ..
BTW Your cupboards are really wonderful !
Have a Blessed week ..Sara
Wowser Wanda! He does beautiful work!! If I were you I’d hound him till he made me one *winks* Vanna