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Let’s decorate a spoon!

Decorated Spoon

At Melanie’s birthday celebration – two, no, three weeks ago? – we had a craft night and decorated spoons. Tiffany got pictures of everyone else’s spoons, but I see she hasn’t blogged about it yet. Maybe she will soon. I didn’t finish mine that night. Actually, I only finished it a few days ago. The bowl was done, but I couldn’t figure out what to do to the top. But it did finally get finished.

I have ideas for more spoons, but haven’t had a chance to do anything about them yet. Why, oh why can’t we just play all the time? Sigh.

Hey, I’ve got an Etsy shop now. Just Vintage 2. Because somebody has Just Vintage, but never confirmed it. It’s so unfair! What I put in there will always mirror what’s on the web site. I’ll admit I’d rather sell from my own site than Etsy or eBay, but the more exposure, the better. I’ll also admit that I’m way behind on updating and adding to the site. The story of my life. Always playing catch up. Anyway, with the Etsy shop being new, I’d love you forever and be forever in your debt if you could find it in your heart to favorite it so it doesn’t look like I have cooties or something.  I’ll return the favor if you have an Etsy shop, too.

As usual, I’m getting further and further behind on blog reading. From reading your comments, I’m not alone in this dangerous snare called Blogs. Too, I like to respond to your comments with comments on your blogs and falling waaayyyyyy behind. I’m trying! I really am! But it’s just like I do everything else. Slow. Sigh.

20 thoughts on “Let’s decorate a spoon!

  1. What a fun idea! I just may have to borrow it:) Congrats on your Etsy shop! I’ll go and visit right now and favorite you (I have an Etsy shop, too!). Have a great week!

  2. Cute spoon, love your vintage items, I will be following you Wanda to see what you have next? I tried to comment on your lovely Easter items you brought out, however, I did not see my comment today in readihg your blog? I will check out your Etsy shop.
    I just wanted to make sure you received my thank you for being a follower on my new blog!

  3. I love your spoon, sweet little daisies just need some quiet time, lol. I’d love to go over to the shop and take a peek…window shopping is a favorite pasttime of mine.

  4. I love that spoon*tastic* !!!! it is lovely! I hate what has happened to you with the name of the etsy shop…it’s quite unfair! I haven’t registered my brand name and I keep thinking one day someone wil;l get it and have a website and I will be LOST! I love my chilean Hands name, and I have sused it for the last 5 years!
    well… i have added your shop as a favourite! YAY! it’s really lovely!
    Cheers and keep up with the catching up!

  5. Oh wow! That is absolutely darling! I’ve never in my wildest dreams thought of decorating spoons of all things…but it looks oh so adorable how you’ve pulled it off!

  6. Love the spoon…it turned out great! Had fun making them…you need to put some of those in your etsy shop!!! Tiff

  7. So sweet – great inspiration!!! On my way to check out your etsy shop!!
    XO Traci

  8. Love the spoon idea. Love your giveaway.

  9. Your spoon is adorable!

  10. Done – I’ve added you to my favorites on Etsy – would you return the favor?? I’m Iris Originals

  11. The spoon is cute! We have been talking about going back to Etsy for some of the stuff that seems better suited to the “crafty” crowd. Just are not enough hours in the day!!

  12. This is gorgeous! I love what you did 🙂 Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comments on my jars- just wanted to say that if you ended up redoing some, the Graphics Fairy blog has gorgeous labels that you can just print out and modpodge on top! Just a thought 🙂

  13. Your spoon is darling! I have a million vintage pieces of silverplate that I really need to do something with…. We all get behind on our blog reading (and posting), we just do the best we can with the time that we have. Don’t let yourself feel guilty over it, or it won’t be fun anymore 🙂

  14. It’s just the cutest spoon I ever did see!! I’m going over to check out your Etsy shop….congratulations. I’ve had it on my “to do” list for ages.

  15. Who would have thought a spoon could look so cute!!! It truly is unique!

  16. Wanda your spoon is darling! And I favorited your shop and your little beaded pin. I love that one! I’m just about to open an etsy shop too so I’ll let you know so you can favorite me as well and I won’t look like I have the cooties! LOL!! You’re too funny!
    I think the reason my blog post came up three times (the charm *winks*) was because I redid the whole durn thing! That was certainly a pull my hair out day! Vanna

  17. The spoon is SO COOOOOL!! And congrats on the Etsy shop…Can’t wait to see what is in there, am going to check it out right now.
    Hugs, Sonya

  18. I am always looking for new and beautiful ways to alter spoons and flatware. I am attracted to it and can not pass it up when I come across some inexpensively.
    I know what you mean about life getting in the way of time to read and comment on blogs. I have to develop better time management skills and a system for getting back to my favorite blogs. I do not use readers effectively.

    Thank you so much for letting me know the great news. I would have been sad had I missed out.

  19. That spoon is so cute, such a unique gift idea

  20. i hear ya’ seems like i’m a foreigner getting around to bloghopping today! and it’s taking all day to catch up 🙂 hope you get some rest…

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