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Last weekend’s treasure

Gosh, it’s already time for this weekend’s hunt! Last weekend was pretty good. Found some fun things.




That brass thing in the back with black etching? It’s a Schrafft’s candy box and I have an identical one at home, only the brass on mine is very dark. I’ve had mine for years and just love it! The two crystal things in front are automobile vases and have already gone to a good home. If you’re wondering, in the 1920s or so, cars had a place to put a hanging vase for your flowers! The piggy bank has money in it, but I’d have to break her to get it out. 🙁



Found a “buttless cat”! Some people call them cactus planters or pin cushions, but my friend Tiffany, who is a collector, coined the phrase “buttless cat”. Or would that be “butless” with one “t”? The tiny book is a child’s “Life of Jesus”. I also have one of those that I’ve had as long as I can remember. Mine belonged to my grandfather who gave it to me as a child. And are any of you old enough to remember Pocket Pigs? You put your dimes or quarters in the slots inside. Those are vintage Vera hand towels in the bottom corner. And how about the ultra feminine, pink syrup and chopper?



Flash cards! Mountains of them. And I left a lot behind! Two 1970s Hot Wheel cars and a Planet of the Apes character. That notebook is from the 1920s and has pictures of musical instruments cut from magazines and glued onto the pages. Maybe it was a school project? Also two heavy, brass candlesticks.

I’m still working to put it all on the web site.

Deanna at My Love Affair With Thrift Shops has tagged me, but I need to save that for another day. Too much thinking.


7 thoughts on “Last weekend’s treasure

  1. What great finds! I love the pink nut chopper and syrup bottle!

  2. Oh sweetie, you found some wonderful things. I love Vera scarves. I have one posted on my blog. It’s way back in the archives if you want to take a peek.

    My husband and I went to a flea market and some thrift shops and came home with many bags. I took pictures last night but I was feeling so lazy so I’m saving them until tomorrow night or Saturday morning. Hopefully I will feel rested enough. Tonight I’m just visiting my fave’s!

    Have a great evening,
    Deanna 🙂

  3. WOW! You had great luck! I haven’t been out much, just huddled up by the heater! Tommy couldn’t believe that someone else would want that ladder. He just shook his head!!Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

  4. Great finds! Love the brass candle sticks as well as the pink kitchen gadgets.

  5. Hello! What are your plans with the flashcards? Those caught my eye as well as the pink topped nut chopper.

  6. What a motherlode! Now I’m going to have to keep my eye out for a buttless cat!

  7. I just love broken bits and pieces of iron! I’d have man handled the chairs into my car too.

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