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Christmas Craft With a Heater Brick

A Christmas craft using an old heater brick.

Huh? Christmas craft with a heater brick? Yup. Here’s the story:

We had girls’ night out for a friend’s and my birthday this week. I had one little gift for her, but needed something else. Naturally, I remembered this the afternoon of the party. Erin was up helping out in the shop, so she and I shopped the shop for something else to add to the gift. A heater brick was the leader of the pack for some reason, but just a brick seemed pretty lame. I remembered Lena had added some greenery and things to some one year and we started looking around to see what we might could add to this one. Here’s what we came up with:

A Christmas craft using an old heater brick.


Erin wired the glass beads to the brick and spiraled and glued the silver chenille. My contribution was gluing the bird. We both contributed the ideas of what to add. Now, I wish I had more heater bricks! I actually did have two of these originally, but there’s a story why there’s only one now. Always a story.

When I was still setting up the shop, I’d put a pile of things on the roll around dolly thing and pulled it into the middle of the front room. I’d almost emptied the cart. Only a homemade picket fence was left. Rather than push it out of the way or empty it completely and put it up, I just stepped over it and over it and over it….. I thought several times I was going to trip and I should put that thing up, but continued to step over it and over it until it happened. My pants leg got hung up in the picket fence. As I lunged forward, my back leg was trying to shake off the fence. Body lurching, front leg hopping, back leg shaking the fence and I was going down. And taking a stack of stuff with me. A stack which included the heater bricks. This one survived. The other – no. So that’s my heater brick story. Or maybe it was the picket fence story. It depends, I guess.

Here’s hoping this weekend will turn up some bricks!

2 thoughts on “Christmas Craft With a Heater Brick

  1. That brick is really pretty. What a neat idea.


  2. Oh, that is really lovely! And it’s nice that you worked on it together. The burgundy color is wonderful with the silver.

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