Decorating for our first holiday in the new house with simple patriotic decorations for the front door. (Okay. It’s actually our third holiday here but we were just barely here for Easter and Memorial Day blew past us.)
We’re still working on getting settled in the new house. I have incomplete vignettes, ill-fitting furniture and boxes stacked all around. I so want to show y’all the house, but simply can’t bring myself to show it in the state it’s in at the moment. It doesn’t have to be perfect (’cause that’ll never happen) but right now it looks like a…. well, it just looks baaaaddddd! I mean, really. You don’t want to see our necessities that are piled around for lack of a place to go. Well, you might get a kick out of it, but… ummm… I dunno. You’d probably think we were nasty people.
So. I did put together a patriotic decoration for the front door. Makes it look like we’re more settled than we are. It was simple and quick, too.
As I said, it’s simple and quick. But I forgot to mention it’s cheap, too! The cost of the flags was about $6.00. I had the bucket. ~ You may have seen it in the kitchen “pantry” in the old house. ~ It’s an old, some-kind-of-bucket with a hanger on it. Maybe a type of syrup bucket?? Anyway, it was painted with a flat blue paint when I got it at some sale or another a long time ago.
I think, if you wanted to make one, finding something to put the flags in will be the hardest part, but you could probably pick up a bucket at The Dollar Tree or Dollar General or for a bit more money, Hobby Lobby, Target or Michael’s. And don’t forget Wal-Mart. A galvanized bucket or a white enamel bucket would look great or you might want to spray paint something to your desired color, maybe even red, white and blue stripes!
I stacked squares of florist foam (Thought I was getting a solid block when I bought it.) in the bucket to hold the flags. First I only had small flags, thinking the larger ones would be too big.
It seemed to need something…. more. I added a crepe paper bow — because I don’t have my ribbons here yet — but it still seemed like it was lacking something. I saw a friend’s antique booth where she had some larger flags in a similar size bucket and thought I’d try adding some of them. Bingo! It was just what was needed without trying to come up with a non-existent talent of adding greenery or a big bow or something. But, does it still need a bow???
I may go to the storage unit to pull out some other patriotic decorations before the 4th gets here. Or I may not. It’s just too dang hot! I also have most of the supplies to make this banner from Country Living. The only thing I don’t have is a newspaper, a key component of the banner, but it’s too dang hot to go out and buy one!
Let’s see your patriotic decorations! And of course pins are always appreciated.