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Only half price for non-dealers?!

OK, OK. I’ve been nudged. This week’s been wild. Well, wild is exaggerating a bit. Busy. We’ll go with busy. I still haven’t had enough time to put last week’s bounty away. Work, work, work. It hasn’t helped that this week Mr. Doom and Gloom has been by three times trying (and succeeding) to sell me things, Creepy Child Molester Guy stopped in and Guy Who Used To Be A Warlock But Has Been Called To Preach For the Lord But Needs To Give Up Drinkin’ and Cussin’ First all came in. Yeah, I get ’em.

It’s already time for this week’s adventure. I’ve got over 100 blog feeds to read, too. Don’t know if I’ll get caught up soon or not. But before I get too far behind with posting, here’s what I remember of last weekend.

Erin came up to go on the search with me Friday. There wasn’t much going on, but that was certainly no excuse. We ventured to an estate sale in a town about 45-50 miles out of the way. Groan. They had what they considered “the best stuff” in the basement. Nothing else. Nothing fun. No junk drawers, no hidden boxes. We left there empty handed and kinda grumpy. I don’t remember much of that day, but I do know that 7 hours and over half a tank of glass later I came home with a pair of busts whose picture isn’t on this computer. Oops.

Saturday was a different story. There were so many estate sales, we had to just line them up in the most logical route, meaning we started with one a bit out of the way. Erin has blogged about it here. This is my defense.

We pulled up and immediately get the sense that it is not a true estate sale. It’s a small house and there’s a korny suit of armor by the side of the house. The porch is filled with new porch things that probably came from the dollar store or Big Lots. And marked rather high. Inside, the few old things, not even things I’d buy, were priced terribly high. Something I might have put $40-50 on, they had priced at $100. Then were were whatnots – WHATNOTS – marked NFS. We’d made our way back to the bedrooms, didn’t even see what might have been for sale, I stepped on a baby toy and the, oh, I don’t know the *what*, but the guy who was there came by and said everything was half price — if it was going to a home and not a dealer. What?!

OK. It’s early. I’d driven 50 miles. I was still dull witted. Kinda like the fat fly who’s been in the house for days and keeps hitting itself on the window. Not real bright. My temper flared. But did I think of anything clever, but cutting to say? Nooooo. I snapped, “Guess I better leave then.” Stomped out, and I think I stepped on his foot on the way. I was so offended. Wasn’t going to buy anything anyway. What did it matter? And how would he know if I was a dealer or not? I was embarrassed about getting in a snit and it took a little while to get over it, but over it I got.

The other sales run together, but here are some pictures:



How darling is that little stationery holder? The perfume is already on eBay.




Ahhhh! Erin found these in a box. She knew I was wanting some to make cloches a la Raised in Cotton  – and others, I’m sure.






A set of dishes Erin and I went halvsies on.




Fabric sample from the ’70s.


One sale, the sale that had the wire gutter guards someday to be cloches and the fabric sample,  had leopard print wallpaper from 1972! Yes, of course I bought it. Why do you ask? Not only that, I got 24 wallpaper samples from the same era. Now, that was fun.

I’ve listed the wallpaper, the samples and the dishes on eBay.

One more story that Erin chose not to share. Maybe it was too embarrassing or maybe it just doesn’t translate well in the telling, but at the time it was hilarious.

I’m staring at a table full of stuff and see the words Kegal Exerciser on a box. There’s this blue contraption pictured. I’m looking at it and thinking surely I’m not reading that right. So I point and say, “Is that…”.
Erin: Yes. Hahaha
Me: Are you sure? (As I point closer)
Erin: Dont touch it!!
Me: No, is it really? (Pointing closer still)
Erin: YES! Don’t touch it! See the picture on the side? (As she points a little too close to the picture on the side.) Ewwwwww!!! Now you’ve made me touch it! (As she wipes her finger on the back of my shirt.)
We walk off laughing and having a great time.

Made a thrift stop Monday morning and came away with these:


The little mermaid aquarium ornament is on eBay now, too.

2 thoughts on “Only half price for non-dealers?!

  1. Wow…that WAS an interesting sale! I would have been irritated too and then rude in some way and then felt bad later…way to let it go:)

  2. Great finds!!! The perfume is sooo pretty! And the turtle is cute and the stationary set, and well…everything! Sounds like you had fun đŸ™‚

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