how time flies! Last weekend was a dud. I headed for a sale that advertised a Hoosier cabinet. Since I need furniture for the shop, that was the first sale on my list. Phooey. They were asking more than I could get in the shop, so I took off for a sale that advertised lots of collectible glass and pottery. I figured Ms. C from last week would be there already loading up on all the good stuff. Was I right? Of course! She was there and had loaded up, but honestly, I didn’t see anything in her pile that made me regret not getting there first. There was still lots of stuff left and prices were so-so, and maybe it was the mood I was in, but the stuff looked so-so to me, too. Lena went the next day and was talking about all the neat things she got. It really made me wonder if it was my mood, but later I talked to friend Tiff who went not long after I did and she had the same feeling as I. (How’s my grammar there?) That made me feel validated.
Ricky and I did go to a goat auction. Not for a goat! They auction stuff people bring from home first. It was hot and I didn’t see anything worth sweating for, but it is definitely worth checking out when I can.
Erin is getting into the resale business with me. She’s beginning to buy things to put in the shop. She has great taste, by the way. I’ve got pictures of the few things I found this weekend and the things she’s sent, but naturally, the pictures are on the computer at the shop and I’m at home. They’ll be posted later.
This weekend is open weekend at the shop. Busy week.