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Last week’s fav finds

Whew! The heat broke today. Finally! It was only 97 degrees. Almost felt like a cool snap. Except for the sweat dripping off your nose and running in your eyes. Anyway, I had a bit more get-up-and-go. So I got up and took a couple of pictures. Thought I’d share my absolute favorite finds from last week. There’s a bunch of stuff that I’ll try to take pictures of later, but I really liked these two things and am keeping ’em for my very own self. And you know what’s really nice about them? They were rescues! They were going to be tossed. Two different families getting rid of their parents’ stuff.

I’ve begged and nagged and tried to educate people I know not to throw stuff away without letting me take a look first. How many times have I heard, “Oh, it was all trash. You wouldn’t have wanted any of that.” Then I’ll ask if there were, say, any buttons. They looked shocked. And yes, there were. So I keep on begging and nagging and trying to make people understand not to toss anything.

So, at the home where I got this clock photography timer, a whole house full had already been thrown away. There were a few closets left. I came out with a car load, but most was just storage type stuff.

I’m in love with the clock photography timer and trying to figure out where to put it. But can’t you see someone throwing it out? I mean, it’s all crusty and messed up and probably doesn’t even work.

Then at another friend’s parents’ house, they’ve been cleaning out for awhile, but I did manage to tell them early on not to throw anything away. Got lots of tooky stuff there, but my favorite is this picture:

I’d taken the glass out to wash it when I took this picture. It’s just lying on the floor. I know exactly where it’s going.

Just look at that sweet, little, curly headed shepherd! He looks a lot like Cupid in my collection of Cupid pictures (Cupid Awake, Cupid Asleep). He should fit right in.


Linking up with Tales From Bloggeritaville’s Thrifty Thursday.

8 thoughts on “Last week’s fav finds

  1. OH my goodness, I love that picture….That is a “Tiff Pic” love ya, Tiffany

  2. I like the black clock and the shape is really nice BUT the curly headed shepherd ……..wins hand down! WOW! That is one great find.

  3. That little boy/shepherd looks like he could get into some real trouble. I love the hands on your clock too.

  4. Really great pieces! You’re so lucky.

  5. That clock is amazing. But I can totally see someone throwing that out. And that someone probably would be someone in my family.

  6. That clock is so lucky you came along to rescue it from the trash, it doesn’t even need to work. The little boy is adorable, he looks like he’s saluting. I want to see all your other goodies once it cools down to 96!!!

  7. Love the clock! But that print is amazing!! Vanna

  8. Your shepherd boy has that “Little Rascals” look to him. Just a mischevious side there, you know?
    Love the clock. It reminds me of my grandparents era.

    My family also has those members that think even though something was held onto for fifty years or more, if I can not come pick it up in the NEXT TEN MINUTES it is in the way and out it goes.
    Then the stuff they think I will love actually is horrid junk. I take it and throw it away just to not offend them because I keep hoping someday they will have a treasure to give me.

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