Life has thrown a shi boat load of busy and stress at me this year, especially lately. Even though I’ve vowed to get in the habit of going to the sales again – although I still don’t need to because of so much still in storage awaiting my hand to reach in, pull it out and put it up for sale – it just hasn’t happened. But yesterday, I was in an area where two estate sales were happening. One was the final day, half price, and the other was “invitation only” with only the three or four hundred people on the mailing list “invited.” LOL
I’m such a bottom feeder. I found nothing at the invitation only sale, but did pick up a few things at the half price sale.
Pretty, old pitcher, round, metal thingy, old Santa, old, metal skates without their straps (Now what can we do with them?) and old, wooden, letter and number stamps. I’m keeping the stamps, but everything else will be for sale. I believe they’ll all go in booths. If you’re interested in anything, shoot me an email.
I normally go to estate sales here in my town or head to Birmingham. This day I was in the opposite direction by about 60 miles. Imagine my surprise to see my favorite Birmingham estate sale company holding the half price sale! He was over 100 miles from home. It’s been quite a while since I’ve been to one of his sales. It was good to talk to him.
So the crop was small, but fun. And it felt good to be out again.