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Spring and Facebook and Twitter and Vacation

All wrapped up in one post.

Wisteria is one of my favorite signs of spring. I love to see huge trees covered in the yummy, purple, hanging blooms. We have one in our yard. We have to keep it under control, of course. Can’t have it taking over the big oaks, now can we? Personally, I’d like it, but the man who is our gardener (my husband) says no. Not doin’ it.


It’s disgraceful. My lack of blogging. I know I say this every single time, but I really want to blog and read blogs! But, since obviously, I’m not in the habit again like I should be, I still want to keep in touch with you all. Let’s be Twitter and Facebook friends! I’ve actually just started with these two. I can shoot out a one liner or short paragraph every now and then. Seems like less pressure. Twitter, I haven’t quite got the hang of. I’m real new there.

Facebook: Just Vintage Home

Twitter is JustVintage


We’re going to Philip and Lisa’s next week. That will be a welcome change of scenery. I’ll still be working. Shopping as many thrift stores as I can fit in in 4 days. With a little beach time added to that.

We’ll make a stop on Sea Island, Georgia to go over some of Erin’s wedding plans with caterers and flower people. Erin’s going with us to Florida. I’m sure she’ll be torn between living in the sun on the beach and hitting the thrifts with me.


There hasn’t been much to report in the weekend shopping excursions this past month. Pretty unexciting and uninspiring. But you know, the more crummy sales you go to, the closer you get to the big one. The treasure. It must be right around the corner for me, because I haven’t found much since the last big weekend over a month ago.


Gotta go finish some work so we can actually leave. Hope some of you are still checking with me and will join me on Facebook and Twitter!

Love ya,


2 thoughts on “Spring and Facebook and Twitter and Vacation

  1. Hi hun, just dropping by to wish you a wonderful Easter holiday! Hmmmm. I’ll have to check Twitter out. I’m a dunce about stuff, it took me ages to figure Blogger out…LOL!
    Deanna đŸ˜€

  2. When you get back or when you have some spare time, I’ve Tagged You! Visit my blog to get a copy of the questions. You don’t have to do all of them if you don’t want to…lol!
    Lots of hugs,
    Deanna đŸ˜€

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