I managed to go to a couple of yard sales this past weekend. It’s not often that I find all the pieces to a vignette in one day. (Vignette isn’t the right word here, but I can’t think of anything better.)
First, I found this toolbox:
Someone had painted it silver, which is fine. I’m sure it was just a tin toolbox and they “prettied” it up because it was looking rough and banged up. Well, it’s been painted long enough to look rough and banged up again.
Later, I found this big, wooden ladybug:
It’s probably a Hobby Lobby or other home dec store item. Nothing expensive. But awfully cute!
So I went to Dollar Tree and bought some daisy bushes.
Real flowers planted in the toolbox would be so much better, but I’m not about to try to keep real flowers alive. This is going to my booth in The Pickle Patch in Sylacauga.
Where have I been these past few weeks, you ask? Well, I’ll tell ya. A nasty sinus infection had me down a few days and I had – pardon the vulgar words that follow – snot brain for several weeks after that. It was like my thoughts had to swim through mucus before they could form. So sorry for that visual. But I’m betting you’re sitting there nodding in a been-there-done-that way. I was like a deer in headlights. But that’s finally almost gone.
Had a couple of my daughter’s baby showers to go to and spent a good bit of time preparing the estate sale mentioned in the last post. Then there was the ever present work. Going from booth to booth and Etsy. Annnnddd… we do have plans to reopen the shop and have been cleaning up in there when we had the chance. I think I’ve mentioned that before. At first, we were shooting for a March opening. Now it’s April 1. We’ll see. BECAUSE — Our first grand-darling will be born within the next couple of days!! I imagine we’ll keep the roads hot. Who cares about opening the shop? LOL
So you’re up to date on what’s been going on in my life lately. Not much. Won’t be able to say that this time next week, but that’s where it is right now.
I keep checking FB for baby news! I know you are beyond excited!!