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Tiny book with sweet surprises

Sometimes we find the sweetest things while out junking. I bought this little book, Daily Food For Christians, simply because of its size. I have a thing for itty bitty books and this one is only 2-1/2″ wide and 3″ tall.

I have no idea how old it is, but it’s warranted to be pure linen. I left my thumb and finger in the picture so you can see the size of the book.

I had the book for quite some time before I actually opened it and looked inside. Surprise #1:

A tiny, “suffer the little children” card. But it gets sweeter:

Surprise #2:

A lock of fine, brown, baby hair. But that’s not all!

Surprise #3:

That golden lock of hair is awfully tiny. Hopefully this baby just didn’t have a lot of hair.

Do you notice the string they’re tied with?

But wait! What’s this? Another surprise!

Twins? And these yellow locks are tied in blue embroidery floss.

I wonder if all the children lived? Or if these were locks of hair of babies that didn’t survive into childhood?

I do love this little book and every time I see it, I think of its secret contents and start to wonder about their story.

Tell me your favorite stories of finding unexpected surprises. Maybe a $100 bill? An unmailed letter to a lover? Let’s hear them!


4 thoughts on “Tiny book with sweet surprises

  1. Wanda, it is terribly sweet. I wonder why they sold it? Olive

  2. What a lot of memorabilia in that little book!

  3. How precious! You know a loving mother/GRANDmother saved those locks of hair.
    The most precious surprise I found was a pair of my Daddy’s baby shoes.

  4. Oh Wanda I agree…how PRECIOUS!! Why would anyone have given it up?..Hmmmmm I can’t say I’ve found anything too surprising in something I’ve purchased. I did find a really beautiful ormolu perfume bottle from the 20’s in an auction lot once. That was a wonderful surprise! Vanna

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