Have you noticed I haven’t been posting any finds lately? Like pretty much all summer long? And into the fall? I don’t know what’s up, but I just haven’t been into the scavenging this year. Don’t know if it’s because I’ve been going out the majority of the weekends since 1975 or if I’ve got too much stuff packed away waiting to be put out for sale and the need for more stock isn’t there right now or if I just plain ol’ got lazy. Yeah. That’s probably it. I’ve been enjoying sleeping in on the weekends. Oh, another reason probably is because now that Ricky’s retired and we’re depending on junk to help with the finances it’s become more of a have to and less of a hey-this-is-fun kind of thing. I’m sure I’ll be raring to go again come spring, though.
I did get out last weekend. Bought a few tooky things and as I was editing the pictures to share, even I thought how boring the stuff was, so I scrapped that idea. It was just some jewelry pieces, some crocheted hangers, two wooden shoe forms with the price forever written on the bottom in permanent marker… Sigh. Why do they do that? But there was one thing that wasn’t boring. This set of vintage Samsonite luggage. At least I think it’s vintage… right??
Don’t you love the tray for the make-up case?
We had gone to a thrift store and I spotted it when I first walked in. How could I have missed it? It was in the front, center, all alone with a sign saying All $10.00. There were only a couple of other people in the store, so I looked the store over good before loading them up. Ricky had made the run through, saw nothing of interest to him – oddly there wasn’t a stick of furniture in the entire store – and had already gone out to the truck. I was going to be short a few bucks and had to call him back in. But while I was waiting on him, I changed my mind on the luggage. It’s kinda dirty, I wasn’t sure I could get it clean, and the large one has a dent.
I was already putting it back when Ricky walked back in. He said he thought I (who me?) could get it clean and convinced me to go ahead and buy it. I don’t know why I second guessed it anyway. Guess it was Lazy Girl popping up. That personality lives very close to the surface.
On the way out he asked: Are you selling it?
Me: Wellll…. that was my first thought.
Him: They are a good size, aren’t they?
Me: Yeah…. they are.
And we do need some “new” luggage. Not to take on planes, I’d never to that to a set like this these days, not to mention the extra weight of them, but for car trips? Sure! So it stays with me. If it doesn’t come completely clean, no biggie. I can get it as clean as I can on the outside and generously spray Lysol on the inside. Happy Girl personality is out now. 🙂
Cool luggage. Some booths charge bunches for them here. It is very cold to go to yard sales here and I cannot get up. So I go to estate sales and pay more like an idiot.
Well I think it’s a great find. Usually don’t find the trays with the vanity cases so that is really good. Also think you will be able to clean it and get many years out of it too.
Wishing you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving !
I think you did great. $10 for 3 pieces of RED Samsonite is very reasonable. I know you will enjoy using them! Maybe this will get you back to treasure-hunting again!!!
Oh my gosh…such a fantastic luggage score! You’ll look really hip lugging it around.
OMG, this is the first set of luggage I received as a graduation present in 1972. Brilliant red and I adored the makeup case. No longer have the pieces but all three did a lot of traveling for many years. I hope you will use them yourself.
Great find on the suitcases! Love that you don’t want to take them on a plane and say you ‘would never do that to a set like this’. Agreed. Love and care!
I just picked up the train case today. The fabric on the inside has a sticky coating on it. I have no idea what it is, and am wondering if you have any idea how to clean it. Thank you.
Lisa, I can’t imagine what that is! I wonder if Goo-Gone might work? Does it seem like maybe a plastic coating was applied? Plastic will revert and get sticky. My old Barbies are getting sticky like that. I saw to rub a thick paste of baking soda on them until the stickiness is gone but that might not be practical for the fabric inside the case… Wish I could be of more help. Things like that are so frustrating!
Never do WHAT to it? You think old school Samsonite can’t take the abuses of air-travel? They let gorillas jump on them in the commercials. (Actually, that was American Tourister, a cheaper knock-off. If they can take it, certainly so can Samsonite.)
At worst it might get scuff marks that can be rubbed out.