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What I Sold On Etsy Last Month

What I sold on Etsy last month

Okay. Break’s over. I’m ready to get back into selling both online and off. I really needed that break. And had even convinced myself I could relax a bit with working, but it’s not to be. Ain’t no rest for the weary. So, to help you know what’s selling and as a way of challenging myself to keep it going and improving, I’m sharing what I’ve sold on Etsy so far this year and if you’d like, I can make this a monthly feature. Please let me know in the comments if you’d like to see more of these. I hope to also share booth sales this way.

Keep in mind I haven’t listed anything new since October, so sales are kinda puny. Not very many of them. So I’m actually doing January and February together instead of only doing last month. The more you have listed, the more you’ll sell. I started the year with around 200 items. Click here to visit my Etsy shop.

  1. 1967 Penney's Fashion Magazine 
    First sale of the year, a 1967 Penney’s fashion magazine. Sold for $4.99. Shipping was almost as much as the cost of the magazine. I don’t advise looking for these. I’ve sold several, but interesting as they are, they are not fast sellers.
  2. Vintage ticket rolls to use in scrapbooking, as decor in a game room or theater room or in your industrial decor room. 
    Vintage ticket rolls. Sold for $20.00. People use these for crafts, scrap booking, their intended use (gasp!) or in decor. Competition is pretty stiff, though. There are lots of these listed.
  3. Industrial Cage Lamp 
    A vintage sunlamp from the 1960’s. Sold for $20.00. 
  4. Set of Thermo-Serv Mushroom Mugs 
    A fun set of vintage, mushroom design mugs. Sold for $24.00. I got these at the end of an estate sale we conducted. They had gone unsold, so I bought them. I find the local buyers don’t always recognize the cool things that sell well on Etsy. For that matter, there may not even be any Etsy sellers here besides me.
  5. Hallmark Wildlife Ornaments 
    Hallmark Wildlife ornaments. Note that these sold after Christmas. Sold for $35.00. They were from my own collection. 
  6. Green metal rings 
    Green metal rings. 9″ diameter. These were odd enough that they had to wait on someone to stumble upon them, but they are oh, so cool! That color! I could see them as part of a wall grouping, or used in someone’s altered art. Sold for $25.00. I don’t remember where I got them.
  7. Vintage flour sack 
    Vintage flour sack. Sold for $15.00. Always buy vintage flour sacks if you find them. The way to tell for sure, if they’re not in sack form, but have been opened, is you’ll see a line of needle marks where they were stitched with the big thread. Sounds like that should be a blog post, huh? I’ll make a note of that. I bought a basket full a few years ago and still have some I haven’t photographed and listed. Turned out to be a very lucrative investment.
  8. Vintage men's Butterick pattern 6791 
    Vintage men’s Butterick pattern. Sold for $10.00. Patterns are a hit or miss. Some are winners some are losers. I have no idea how to know one from the other.

That ended January’s sales. February picked up a bit. Only one more item sold than January, but the dollar amount was a good little bit more.

  1. Bisque baby girl figurine 
    Sweet, little, bisque, baby girl figurine. Sold for $8.00. 
  2. Flexo lamp 
    Flexo drafting lamp. This came from my parents’. I’ve had it quite awhile, dreading listing it because I knew it would sell then I’d have to ship this big ol’, 500 lb., unwieldy thing. And sure enough. Sell, it did. Actually weighed 20-30 lbs. (I forget), but I was unhappy with the box I shipped it in and held my breath until I was sure it arrived safely. It sold for $99.00.
  3. Cat stapler 
    Cute little cat stapler. Sold for $7.00. I’ve had it for years, but only listed  it a few months ago. Didn’t last long.
  4. Vintage Christmas decorations. New old stock of green glass bead garland. 8' total. 
    Two packs of Christmas garland at $12.00 each. Note this was in February. I found several of these vintage, unopened packs of glass garland at a thrift store. Almost all have sold. I think there is one left.
  5. Macrame owl mail sorter 
    Vintage, jute, macrame owl mail sorter. Sold for $32.00
  6. Lays Potato Chip Bank Bag 
    Lay’s potato chip bank bag. Another item that didn’t sell at one of our estate sales. Yay for me! Sold for $25.00. You should know, when I say something didn’t sell at one of our sales, it usually isn’t because it was priced too high. We price things the way we like to buy and we’re stingy. As a result, people flock to our sales. I just think we don’t have very many online sellers. 
  7. Kitchen storage box 
    Kitchen storage box. Yet another thing that didn’t sell at one of our estate sales. It sold on Etsy for $9.00
  8. Vintage Viale Milton Italian suede patchwork shoes 
    These gorgeous, vintage Viale Milton Italian suede patchwork shoes. If I remember correctly, they were not bought at an estate sale either. Sold for $35.00.
  9. 1950s Vanity Fair Bed Jacket 
    Pretty, vintage, Vanity Fair bed jacket. Sold for $37.00.

Hope you enjoyed and perhaps got some ideas from this post. I know I love to see what other people are selling. Don’t forget to let me know in the comments if you’d like to see more of these. 

I hope March is a much better month. (Click here to see what’s currently listed.) I’ve just got to knuckle down and do some listing. My goal? Oh….. I dunno. $10,000 a month would be nice. Oh, come on. Let me have my dreams! Actually, my goal is $1000 a month, but I can probably realistically reach $4-500. But we’ve got an estate sale this weekend. Finishing up the prep today and will be tied up with it Friday and Saturday. And probably Sunday or Monday. It will be a few days before I can get started listing again. And… I can’t wait to see what’s left! This is going to be a good one. If you’re curious you can see pictures here at Sentimental Suitcase Estate Sales.

What I sold on Etsy last month

4 thoughts on “What I Sold On Etsy Last Month

  1. Wanda, I’m really loving this new feature! I’m always interested in seeing what others are selling too, both online & in a booth. Very fascinating! Might have to “borrow ” this idea! LOL Love that Art Deco lamp. I have a vintage desk lamp here too…haven’t listed yet, but is very HEAVY. Also love the jute thing & mugs are interesting. Also the Lay’s potato bag. I’m with you on the patterns…they can be a hard sell. I sold one on EBay a few years ago & got over $200 for. It was involved in a bidding war. I never understood the attraction myself. Why that one & not others? Who knows? I even asked the buyer, but never got an answer.

    1. I knew you’d like this post, Florence. đŸ˜‰ Hey, that Lay’s bag? I think I may have told you, but it was at that sale you came to. You overlooked it! Hope to see you tomorrow. If I’m glazed over, you might have to tell me it’s you. LOL This sale is FULL of Etsy and eBay type items! We’ve priced our little hearts out. I’m too pooped to poop!

      1. I will definitely be there if the Creek don’t rise, as they say! I know I’ll have to get up before dawn & you know I’m not a morning person…LOL. The pics were interesting.
        I never saw that Lay’s bag, and if I had, wouldn’t have given it a 2nd glance. Who knew something like that would bring the dough? However, with the little bit I bought at that sale, I made a profit on most of it…that’s what counts. See you tomorrow!

  2. Very fascinating. Thank you for this post. This post is so helpful to me.Thank you for offering it.

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