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Pictures of the latest painted furniture pieces

Small table painted in General Finishes Basil

Most of my before pictures were lost. They were on my phone and when I dropped and broke the phone, they were lost forever. No back ups and no way to get into the phone’s memory, blah, blah, blah. So, we’ll  just have to use our imagination. Also, the pictures were taken in one of the booths. Not the best lighting. We have a great spot to take pictures of our furniture here, but can’t get to it! Some day……

First, this little table:

Small table painted in General Finishes Basil

This little table had certainly seen better days. Once upon a time, probably back in the 1930s or 40s, it was a nice, little, stained, lamp/side table. But at some point it was painted that ugly brown so often used way back when. It’s condition deteriorated and it was finally relegated to an outbuilding.

It belonged to a friend’s father-in-law and when we had his estate sale, we put a few bucks on the table. Apparently, no one could see past the terrible wobbliness and awful finish, so nobody bought it. Even when it was only a couple of bucks! So it came home with me. Hehe. Ricky put the glue to it and sturdied it up. He sanded the top, but I told him to leave the legs alone. He didn’t like the finish on them, but obligingly did as I asked. Hey, who likes to sand spindle legs anyway? But they had bubbled and alligatored nicely. You just can’t get that natural, aged look from a jar.

I painted the top with General Finish’s Basil green, lightly distressed it and went over the top with a dark wax. The poor lighting does not show how pretty the green is. It looks almost white, but trust me on this. It’s a very pretty color.



Next up, this mid century dresser. Again, another piece that wouldn’t sell at an estate sale. I had nothing to do with this sale, just a shopper. When it was over, the dresser hadn’t sold and the seller called me to see if we wanted it at a much lowered price. Sure! Here is the condition it was in:


Weird rust stain on the top that seemed to go through the depths of the piece. Lots of veneer missing. But good lines.

We didn’t change the color much, opting for General Finishes Milk Paint Linen.

Mid Century Modern Dresser in General Finishes Milk Paint Linen

There was a lesson learned here. If there is any inkling at all that a lot of wax might have been used, wipe down with mineral spirits prior to painting — no matter the type of paint you use! Even though this piece was sanded to within an inch of its life to get rid of that ugly stain on top, there was still wax in the grain. It made the finish less than pretty. A lot less. This one was Ricky’s project. Thank goodness! He took it down to the bare wood again, rubbed it down well with mineral spirits and started over. The result was perfection!




And last, this hutch, painted in General Finishes Milk Paint in Seagull Gray. Again, the lighting makes it look white. Seagull is a lovely, light gray.

Distressed, gray hutch painted in General Finishes Seagull Gray

There’s not much to say about this one except that it started off life as a dark stain, and rough to the touch, with no top coat of any kind. Ricky painted it lamp black for the base coat, painted Seagull over that, then distressed and waxed it.


Most of our furniture is finished with a wax, either a colored wax or clear. He mixes it himself with acrylic paint added to a clear wax. Sorry, I can’t help you out with that. I might put together a tutorial some day, but today’s not that day.

2 thoughts on “Pictures of the latest painted furniture pieces

  1. I bought this lovely hutch, and it is perfect in my kitchen filled with mason jars and cookbooks. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Emily! So glad you like it. Love to see our things go to good homes. đŸ™‚

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