It’s not often I buy anything for myself other than something I pick up at a sale, but the second I saw this painting at the Pickle Patch I fell in love. Knew it was destined to be mine.
And it was only $10.00! Why, do you suppose? Could it be the chipped up frame? Or all the little tears? Or that Big. Gaping. Tear in the middle? Ha! I’m guessing all the above.
I don’t care. I still love her. It needs a good restoration. It’s actually darker than my pictures show. But I’ll leave it like it is. Maybe get some archival tape to tape up the big tear on the back. I’m not sure where she’ll live, though. The spot I’d planned for her doesn’t seem quite right. But I’ll figure it out.
I’ve had to have things like that before. Maybe you can make it look like some roses around the rip, I did that with a picture I bought like that.
This painting is fabulous, especially the frame! Very shabby chateau chic!
She is beautiful!! If she was mine I would see about having her restored! The ripped hole especially. I think you could glue some canvas to the back of-it then just where needed on the front side brush some Gesso over it then … If you know a professional artist have them paint the colors back in place. It can be done! đŸ™‚