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Is this sweet or what?

I’m still getting things from my friend’s mother’s estate. Every time we think this is the last haul, more stuff comes out of the woodwork. So I was over there with the three “boys” Saturday. It was mostly a book day, but the oldest started pulling things out of a metal cabinet. (Hey… I forgot to ask about the cabinet!) He came out grinning and jokingly said, “Want a homemade Easter basket?” You should have seen his eyes when he saw my eyes light up and heard the sounds tumbling out of my mouth like I was looking at a newborn kitten. He couldn’t believe it. And yes, he would have thrown them away.

They are soooo sweet! Made in the late 1950’s, maybe early ’60’s. Can you guess what they’re made from? They’re about 4″ tall and 5″ diameter and made of cardboard.

Cottage cheese buckets! I can just see their mother wondering what to do with two rowdy boys and a baby. Or maybe the baby was on the way. She probably saw the craft in a magazine and decided to have a little craft session. And then kept them until the day she died, over 50 years later. These will definitely go in my vintage Easter collection. I’ll cherish them.

And while we’re talking about holidays…. uh, we were talking about holidays, weren’t we? I saw this on a shelf and asked if it could come home with me.

Sure it could! The oldest had made it from a model kit in the ’60’s. Another item I’ll add to my collection and cherish.

And while I’m thinking about it, here’s another cute story and something I’ll keep.

There was a note attached to the Santa candy container in the middle that read, “[The oldest son] got mad and started to tear this one up. I thought they looked so cute in their stockings when they were little.” Yes, I’ll have to keep these, too. You might wonder how someone can give things like this up. Remember, it’s three guys. They kept loads upon loads of things, but simply couldn’t keep everything. So I’ll be the keeper of some of their memories for them.

6 thoughts on “Is this sweet or what?

  1. Sylacouga? Is that right? Just discovered you and girl you get it. I signed in on all list and will continue to follow. Think I will even grab a button. Come see me.

  2. I love, love, love the Easter baskets!! I’m so glad you were there to rescue those precious holiday memories.

  3. I am with you girl on the homemade Easter Baskets! I think I will make some this year, making them look vintage of course!

    Thank you for your visit I now can visit you and all your coolness with the junk you find! (Treasures) đŸ™‚

    Thank you again for your beautiful visit!

  4. OOhhh all great stuff but those baskets are precious! Vanna

  5. I just love those little cottage chesse container baskets!! I’d be more than happy to come help you go through more goodies… if there’s anything left.

  6. Wow, thanks for the pictures of the homemade Easter baskets! We used these when I was a kid, and you’re right about the late 1950s as the time period. the pink one on the left looks just like I remember them. In the month or so leading up to Easter, the milk delivery man would stock these instead of the regular cartons, so you could always get some new ones if needed. All you needed for Easter was a bit of candy, some plastic grass, and an egg!

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