I don’t plan to carry any new merchandise, but needed something for a pity purchase if people come in and find nothing to their liking. Capri Blue candles are my choice. These are some of the best candles I’ve ever sniffed. I first found them at Anthropologie, did some investigation and found that no one locally carries them, so an order was made. So far, we have Aloha Orchid, Volcano, Peeled Naval Orange and Paris. I’d actually smelled the first three and knew they were wonderful, but took a chance on Paris. I liked the name and it turned out to be a good bet. It’s very different from the others. Has almost a powdery scent. We had Aloha Orchid burning Saturday so that’s the one everyone wanted. All the small jars of that “flavor” are gone now. For the grand opening, we’ll have a sample of each burning. Hope nobody’s allergic!
I’ll eventually move the blog to the site and change the look just a little. That’s something I dread. It means I’ll have to think. Thinking’s harrrrddddd! It hurts! The web site is hard enough, but the layout of it is almost done. Next will be taking pictures of all those things, writing descriptions and putting them on the site. That promises to only take for-e-ver.
So that’s what’s going on right now. Exciting, huh? Sigh.