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Latest Finds…….and It’s Getting Closer

Again, I only attended two sales this week. A large estate sale and a yard sale at an antique mall. I really wish I’d had my camera with me. There were about 50 boxes on the ground at the estate sale, all full to overflowing. My thought was that I’d better not hear anyone say “this ain’t work”! The boxes were mostly full of just stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, but looking through each box netted a few cool things. The house had very good things with prices a bit higher than I wanted to pay, but I did come out with some neat items, I think. I thought about going back today for half price, but it was an hour’s drive and there was no way of knowing if anything decent was left, so I stayed around here.


Cement planter/bird bath thing.


More Christmas. Most, not very old, but will work well for decorations next year at the shop.


A Tuck Valentine on the left. The little card opens and it’s all on padded, fringed silk. The New Year’s card on the right is two sided. The other side shows the child chasing the goose.


Number 2 wash tub.


Tin chocolate display. It’s about 3-1/2′ long and has doors on the back for storage.


Glove box? Looks Christmassey to me.


Apgar’s Plant Analysis book, daisies tray, rooster napkin holder, old bow tie, aqua Christmas coasters, McCoy frog planter, Air Express coasters, old birthday candles and a woven, tapestry lid watch box.

I also got an Italian Creche and a 1960s mushroom footstool. Something else?? It seems like there was something else that didn’t get in a picture.

The shop is sooooooooo close to opening!! I’m trying to get the storage area straightened up for the building inspector to come by and declare me fit for a business license. Got to clean a few areas for that, too. Other than that, I’ve been pricing and arranging. That’s it. No, that’s not quite true. I’ll have to get the sign man out there (My cousin’s husband. Small town, ya know). He has all the information already. I just couldn’t decide on the font for the name. I still can’t really decide, but will just go with a normal, only slightly fancy font. Got to clean the windows, too. It looks like I’ll have a soft opening this coming weekend! I’ll just pass the word around instead of sending out mailings this time. That will give me a chance to work out the kinks before the grand opening. I’m getting excited! Can’t wait to take pictures to share!
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