For years I collected nativity sheep, until there were so many they got harder and harder to display. Hard enough that most were packed away. But a couple of recent rearranges left me with a big, barren, wooden box. The box is nothing special except for being an early-in-married-life-I-have-no-money-but-want-my-house-to-look-like-the-magazine-pictures attempt at upcycling. That was back before “upcycling” was a word. Anyway, the box isn’t what I’m showing today. Another time on that. What I want to show is what went on top of the box.
I’ve always admired books stacked on tables. My attempt felt… lacking. Then I remembered the sheep. This is the result:
I didn’t pull back for a full view picture. This whole vignette is only about 3-1/2′ from the floor to the top of the oval sheep picture. It’s beneath a pass through between the kitchen and the den. At Christmas, the ledge of the opening held more sheep and bottle brush trees. Shhhh… don’t tell, but they’re still there. The cat has played Godzilla and trees have fallen. Nope. Not getting a picture of that.
I don’t know why it’s so difficult to get a good and true color picture in that room. That room and my living room. They’re “purt near” impossible to photograph. Plenty of good, natural light, so that’s not it. Must be the wall colors.
Hope this has inspired you to pull out a collection to decorate with. (OK Grammar Police. A collection with which to decorate?) And prove you can do a much, much better job than I. Because of that I’m sure.
I am so excited with your collection!! You see, two Christmas’ ago, I happened upon several pieces, in different booths, no less, of a creche. An angel, baby Jesus, a donkey and a lamb. As I said, this wasn’t just from one booth. It was lovely how all this fell together. Anyway, a adore the lamb!! Well, I love all of them. Aren’t they chalkware? The next year I couldn’t find a single piece. Good to know that these won’t fall into my lap again and I’d better keep my eyes open. I love the way you arranged everything… cloches with iron stands. Another favorite! Just lovely!
Okay I LOVE this for a lot of reasons. Love the way you have it arranged, love the colors AND I collect sheep too. My maiden name is Ramsey and so it started with rams but lambs and sheep are soooo cute . Hard to resist. You DO need to put more out though, heh. (())