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Primitives and Fall – A Match Made In Heaven – Decorating with primitives

Decorating with primitives

Fall will always make me think of primitives and primitives will always make me think of fall. They seem to be made for each other. The warm wood of prims go so well with the warm colors of fall. And prims make me think of men chopping fire wood and of gathering the last of the crops. There just something so warm and cozy about both primitive decor and autumn.

Fall Prims

This is my nod to the fall/primitive marriage this year.

Fall Primitives

The top of a primitive cupboard in my hall with Boo-Boo Doggie. He’s so beat up and chipped, but I do love him.

I wish those pictures were as pretty as the ones below from magazine pages I’ve clipped through the years.

Decorating with primitives - Primitives and fall. A match made in Heaven.

I always thought I could make one of the rooms in my house look like this, although the only thing they had in common at the time was the multi paned windows. No, that room never made it to this lovely status and I ended up going in a totally different direction.

Decorating with primitives. Primitives and fall - a match made in Heaven.

Gorgeousness with mulberry transferware and primitive, wooden bowls. Hmmm… I have some built-in cabinets in my little, French style dining room that need a makeover. I bet this would look pretty darn good. Not that I have any mulberry transferware or anything similar. Ha.


Did you know you can buy magazine subscriptions on Amazon? I always forget about that and no matter what we think, Pinterest has not taken the place of turning the pages of a beautiful magazine.


Decorating with primitives. Primitives and fall - a match made in Heaven.

Oh, my goodness! Primitive perfection!

Decorating with primitives. Primitives and fall - a match made in Heaven.

Another room I fantasized about. I wanted it all. Wouldn’t say no to it now, either. But part of the perfection is the view out the window. Did you notice the water? Ohhhh…. my.

Decorating with primitives. Primitives and fall - a match made in Heaven.

This picture is a bit more summery, but the prims are to die for. That coffee table! That corner cabinet!

Decorating with primitives. Primitives and fall - a match made in Heaven.

I loved this for the untraditional, primitive colors. Did you notice the date on the page? Country Living 1986. Proving good, antique, primitives are timeless.

Decorating with primitives. Primitives and fall - a match made in Heaven.

Everyone loves this pantry. Or should we call it a larder? I have the perfect room right next to my kitchen, but let my husband talk me into putting granite counter tops over builtin cabinets in there. Made it useful more than a place to display crockery and fresh vegetables we never have. But I still love to dream.

Decorating with primitives. Primitives and fall - a match made in Heaven.

How about this 1988 Country Living picture? Looks like it was made for Pinterest, doesn’t it?

Wonder what beautiful fall pictures will be in this year’s magazines? Remember, a quick and easy way to subscribe to any of hundreds of magazines is through Amazon!

8 thoughts on “Primitives and Fall – A Match Made In Heaven – Decorating with primitives

  1. Love the cupboard filled w transferware! That’s still one of my loves…though I have nowhere in my current apartment for it 🙁 It all is packed away in boxes for a future home w better display space. See? I’m still waiting for *my* home to be the home of my dreams, too…..


  2. ha! I know your home is blog worthy! And I love your “nod to Fall”. Keep an eye on that darling dog. I may take him when you are not looking. 🙂 xo

  3. Hi Wanda, thanks for sharing all these wonderful photos from the past. Funny how some styles remain classic. I love that photo of the table covered with all those wonderful, lush leaves too. I haven’t seen that one before. I had to chuckle about your home being shown in bits and pieces cause that’s what I end up doing. I don’t think I’ve ever had ever single room done at the same time hahaha I can relate.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the follow. I’m happy to return it.

  4. I love the pictures and comments you have posted. I will have to visit this site again. Thank you.

  5. Wow! Great pictures! Everything looks perfect!

  6. Gorgeous images makes me look forward to Fall

  7. Oh how i miss fall, but spring is here!

  8. Such a beautiful blend of primitives and fall decor! The rustic touches create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Perfect inspiration for anyone looking to add vintage charm to their autumn home!

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