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Cranberry Pineapple & Cream Cheese Salad Recipe

Cranberry Pineapple Cream Cheese Salad

Cranberry pineapple cream cheese salad ingredients

Pineapple, cranberry and cream cheese salad


  • 1 three oz. package raspberry Jello
  • 1 small can crushed pineapple, drained but save the juice
  • 1/2 cup chopped nuts
  • 1 cup cranberry sauce – you may use either jellied or whole
  • 1 eight oz. block of cream cheese


Dissolve Jello in 1-1/2 cup boiling water. Set aside to cool. Mix cream cheese with a small amount of pineapple juice. When well mixed, add the pineapple, cranberry sauce and chopped nuts. Combine with jello mixture and chill until firm.

I’m filing this one under “Something New” rather than “Tried and True.” It’s a toss up. My husband really liked this recipe, but it didn’t do it for me. He loves pineapple and jellied cranberry sauce. They’re not my favorites. Would I recommend it? Meh. Would he recommend it? Yes!”

Cranberry, pineapple and cream cheese salad recipe

5 thoughts on “Cranberry Pineapple & Cream Cheese Salad Recipe

  1. Funny, for 40 years my mother made this and served it in the same dish displayed in your picture, and I now make it and serve it in the same dish. It is a beloved family tradition. My friends constantly ask me to make it.

    1. Oh my gosh! How fun is that?!

  2. My mother recently passed. She made this for me every Christmas – but didn’t have the recipe (did it from memory). I’m craving this dish and am looking for the recipe. She called it ‘cranberry salad’ – it had pineapple, cream cheese, cranberry, and gelatin.

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your mother. It’s hard losing our parents. I know this too well. Hope the recipe is the same and offers some comfort!

  3. I can’t view the recipe for some reason. Could you re post or email? My mom/grandma used to make this all time at the holidays!

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