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A Vintage Crackle Paint Stool

Chippy white stool and pickle jar full of tart tins


A couple of months ago I bought vintage crackle paint stool. (Ruth D., this is the one you said you wanted to see.) The most fierce competition had already been to the yard sale and bought up most everything. There were still some furniture pieces with sold signs on them. Somewhat unattractive furniture pieces at that. But oddly, this stool was still hanging around. Am I the only one in this area who appreciates naturally aged, painted furniture? Probably.

Chippy white stool and pickle jar full of jello molds


Anyway, my intentions were to put it in the “white” bedroom that is no longer going to be white. As I was considering the stool the other day, knowing I couldn’t part with it, it hit me that I had the perfect spot for it. This spot has always had a kitchen stool and the one I’m replacing is wonderfully sturdy, but this little crackly stool looks so good here. And it’s the perfect spot to hold the jar full of tart tins. (I saw this idea either on someone’s blog or on Pinterest and naturally I can’t find it now to give credit to the inspiration inspirer person blog whatever.)

It was difficult getting a good picture. I tried all kinds of angles.

Chippy white stool and pickle jar full of tart tins



But do you want to see the real problem?

Chippy white stool and pickle jar full of tart tins


There’s that pesky modern invention on the counter to the right, I was too lazy to move the garbage bag in the background and the vacuum cleaner in the bottom right corner. (A Dyson, by the way, and the best vacuum I’ve EVER owned.) There’s a cabinet door that won’t close at the moment, and Lawdy! The counter top to the left is in a horrible, flat surface, piled up, mess!

I’m linking to Faded Charm’s White Wednesday.

13 thoughts on “A Vintage Crackle Paint Stool

  1. She is PERFECT and I can’t believe it was still there waiting for you…SCORE!

  2. Your beautiful stool distracts from anything negative! It has the perfect chippy finish. Lucky you!

  3. Wanda, I would keep that stool too. Tall items are most difficult to photograph. I adore my Dyson too. hugs?O

  4. I have no idea why someone didn’t snap that stool up pronto! It has such wonderful patina! Obviously it was meant to be yours *winks* And fits perfecty in that spot in your kitchen. Love your jar of molds too!…Oh and I have the same dyson which is also just sitting out lol! High five *slap* Vanna

  5. I love this stool and it is perfect in that spot! Hey I love the bag of trash in the background…keeping it real…lol!

  6. I love it. And you know, we do have to “live” in our homes.

  7. that’s the perfect spot for the ‘perfect’ white chippy stool…love it!

  8. Your chippy bench is gorgeous! From one junker to another: LOVE it! Coming over from Faded Charm and so glad I did. I’m your newest follower!


  9. LUV that sweet little stool! What a great find, Wanda! đŸ™‚

    xoxo laurie

  10. Love the little highchair-so perfect for a display-would be fun to change for the holidays!

  11. It was meant to be yours and waiting for you to arrive! It’s perfect in that spot with the very cool jar. How dare all those objects jump into your picture, they just blend in with the cute stool taking center stage.
    You had me laughing about your little “discovered surprise.” Too funny. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  12. LOL Wanda! LOVE the beautiful stool and thanks for keeping it real!


  13. Thta usually happens!!
    I tend to take all my pics on teh table, but…yes teher’s a;lways a “but” I alsways start moving just a lil corner tp palce the object, then I realise I need to take almost the whole cloth off as you still canm see it!! even when I’m shooting a lil tiny thing…angles , angles…
    Love your work and LOOOOve that jar, can I have it, you won’t miss it đŸ˜€
    I’ll be expecting your visit anytime!

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