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A Love For Loving Cups

Collection of loving cups: Just Vintage Home

Decorating with trophies or loving cups is nothing new. It’s been around awhile. I can’t remember when I started collecting them, but I’m guessing 8 or so years ago. I’ve been fortunate to get most of mine in box lots amongst a crowd of people who didn’t know they were hot decorating items. Yeah, sometimes I get lucky.

I shared a few of my loving cups in this post recently. Here is another group in the same room. These are on top of the china cabinet. Why is the picture just the top and not the whole cabinet? Because the back of the top is a big mirror. That mirror reflects the mess behind me, as well as my plump, little self with no make-up on, wearing around-the-house clothes, standing on a chair to get up high enough to get the shot. Annnnd there’re still some mini pumpkins on the buffet part. That’s why. Heaven forbid that anyone think I and my house are not neat, organized, put together, beautiful, blah, blah, blah. I suppose I could have edited the mirror reflections out, but it was enough trouble to cover up the air freshener hubby sticks up anywhere and everywhere all over the house. I’m so used to them being around, I didn’t even see it until I was editing the picture.

Collection of loving cups: Just Vintage Home

Collection of loving cups: Just Vintage Home

Yes, that cup on the end has a big dent and yes, the painting is leaning. I love that painting. It put me back a whole $5 years ago. The canvas isn’t cut straight and it’s bowed in the middle, but it’s my absolute favorite flower painting or print that I own.

So what about you? Are you a loving cup collector/admirer? Or do you think it’s weird to own a stranger’s trophy? A lot of people do. Nothing wrong with feeling that way.

3 thoughts on “A Love For Loving Cups

  1. Yeah – a bit weird to showcase someone else’s trophies – but then, it’s your house, you can show whatever strikes your fancy. No stranger than my decorating with elephants I guess. But then, I’ve collected elephants for so long, and have so many I wouldn’t think I was in my own house if I didn’t see them.

  2. okay first it took me some time to realize I needed to come HERE, was still visiting the other blog and wondering why you hadn’t posted. geeshe Ima gonna put it down to old age. AND I’m going to add this site to my blog list so I don’t do this again !
    Well I love your trophys. I have one on my mantle now, it was holding a small tree and I have a silver bowl that was presented to someone many years ago. If I find more they will come home with me too. (())

  3. I am looking for old dog show loving cups . If you come a crossed any reasonable let me know. Thank you , Mrs. Denise Milko

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