I can be such a booth slacker at times, lots of times, but I did get to the booth at the Pickle Patch in Sylacauga, Alabama, and do some rearranging, pulling out and putting in with Valentine’s Day theme in mind. It still looks sparse. But it is what it is at the moment.
The pink and purple wall. The black paper is simply black wrapping paper. I had every intention of drawing on it with chalk, hearts with initials and arrows through them, squiggles, that kind of thing, but liked the plain gold frames and left it like that. I’m also letting go of my personal collection of three, crochet heart pin cushions. Don’t know why I never bought more than three. The little stand needs new glass cut for it. It doesn’t fit into the top. No matter which way I try. I swear it fit before it got to the booth! It’s only $20.00.
The red and white wall. Everyone wants to buy the screen. That is until I tell them to look at the bottom. It’s been wet and in bad shape. I only use it for display. Some day, maybe, I’ll fix it. See that little, red tray at the bottom?
It was a tool box insert that happened to have holes on each end. Perfect for a crystal knob!
There is more, of course, but those are my Valentine colored areas.
Today, is storage unit clean-out day. Wait. Did I just say clean-out? Um… hmmmm…. uh… Probably not, but I’ve GOT to do some a lot of work over there. We rent three of the largest sizes. Need to get them down to one – none would be best – but first, just down to two would be wonderful. So much booth and Etsy stuff over there as well as household overflow, the grown kids’ things and things put back for the next yard sale. There is furniture waiting to be repaired and painted. Guess I need to get off my be-hind, huh?
See ya!