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Taxes? At estate sales?

Do you have to pay sales tax at estate sales in your state? I’m talking about sales of a deceased person’s stuff, priced and run by a professional estate sale company. Not an auction. Not a yard sale where somebody just threw their stuff on the lawn. Here in Alabama I’ve only encountered that once. In, I’m embarrassed to say, 30 years of going to estate sales, it’s happened once.

We were in Georgia for the weekend of the wedding and while going to town – to buy me a pair of pants because I spilled tea all over the only pair I brought for that day – passed an estate sale sign. Errrrrkkkkk! (That sudden turning of the car sound.) We had time. How can we resist an estate sale out of our usual territory?! Turns out, it was the second week, yes, week of the sale. Things were half price, but there wasn’t much of interest. I picked up a creamer and a bunch of wooden hangers. They were charging $2 each for pants hangers and $1 each for neat-o, blue wooden hangers. Then half of that. The creamer was $3.50 at half price. So, I get up there, counted the hangers looked to see how much money I had and saw that it was just enough. The price they quoted was a bit more. I said, “Huh?” We counted again and I’m like, “That’s what I thought. I have just enough.” But they said no. They had to add tax. Who charges tax on estate sale crap??? We discussed that a little and they suggested I put the creamer back. What? I kept my mouth shut, but I was thinking, “They can’t give me a few crummy hangers?! That’s ridiculous!” I ended up putting it all back. The nerve. They said they couldn’t discount anything any more. That they had to account for everything. Bah! Like the family is going to get mad at them for letting a few hangers slide.

So, do you have to pay sales tax? I understand auctions charging tax. We write the check to them, not the hauler. But an estate sale, run by professionals…. Well, they’re a service. They shouldn’t have to pay tax for being the middle man. Should they? Isn’t it like hiring someone to price and watch your yard sale junk? What’s the difference? They said, “but we’re professionals.” But it’s not their stuff! Help me understand. Here in Bama, at estate sales, we write the check to the “estate of ___” or something similar. Maybe that’s how they get away with it? We don’t pay sales tax for services.







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How ’bout I had a decent buying weekend?

Finally. Hope it doesn’t let up for awhile. Well, maybe long enough for me to get some money back, but it sure was nice last weekend to finally get something to show for the gas I’d used. For a couple of months now, the only money I’ve been spending has been gas money. Not good. Money going out with nothing to show for it.

Last weekend was unusual in that I found vintage clothes. I don’t always run across clothes. Now I’m hording them until I get enough not to be a flash in the pan seller. Got to find a couple of models, too. My tall, majorette niece will do it, but everything is not going to fit her.

Starting with the stuff, here it is in all it’s yard sale glory.

Reddy Kilowatt plate
, 1970s mushroom coffeepot, Dansk pepper mill and ’70s Fitz and Floyd candlesticks.

’70s plaid tote bag, Santa coasters, vintage cards, garden fork, hat for the flowers.

Two oak leaf frames. Oak leaf? Is that right? A little cabinet to paint, an old crayon box, another frame and an old, tin, nail box.

Two deco frames and a

1928 Birmingham police department collage picture.


And now the clothes, wrinkles and all. They don’t look very exciting hanging like that, but they’re actually kinda fun. The two long dresses are Gunne Sax. Found at two different sales on the same day. There are a couple of 60s semi formals and some 80s stuff.

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What? Is this all?

Let’s start with Friday. The sales around here were, um, just a little less than enticing. But there were three estate sales advertised in Birmingham. Do I go or do I stay? What do you think? Ready, set…. GO! Lena drove.

First sale was very nice and neat, but was a fancy yard sale. A real fancy yard sale, only it was inside. Not a moving sale. Not an estate sale. I overheard the lady saying she and her husband lived there. It was in two rooms, no three. The porch, living room and dining room. Of a tiny, but older and charming, apartment/garden home type dwelling. And boy, did they have nice stuff. Fine antiques at fine antique store prices. Really fine. And they’d done their research. A book of Maxfield Parrish prints – $700. Because someone had sold a book in similar condition on eBay for that much. Ummm… sell it on eBay yourself, then. Lena actually said that, but in a very nice and tactful way. The lady said she was going to get someone to do it for her. She’d bought a watch off eBay once and found it very hard to figure out.

So, OK. Lena bought a basket and… and… uh… something else. I do remember she managed to only spend $12.00. $10 and $2. She probably bought two of only 3 things priced at less than $100. I bought nothing. Too disgusted. Junk! Gimme junk! So on to the next.

We found the house easily. Felt quite proud of ourselves. But where are the cars? Has everyone already come and gone? The ad said 7:00 and it was about 10:00. Whatever, not a good sign. And speaking of signs, there was a large one tacked to a tree in the middle of the front yard. Lena looked at it, apparently without actually reading it, and thought it said “now”. We look at the house. There’s no sign on the front door to tell us to enter or go around as they so often do. We considered walking up to the front door and walking in, but things just didn’t feel right. I walked around back, following the driveway to the basement garage. There was stuff in the driveway and some in the garage and a lady working with it. She turned around and said it didn’t start until 12:00. Oops. She said to come back, but I had to be back in town by 11:00. Couldn’t come back. Lena asked could we go ahead and look, but nothing doin’. Disgruntled yet again, we left.

There’s still another sale which means there’s still hope. (There were quite a few yard sales that all started their ads with baby stuff, toys and clothes. Those weren’t on our list. We can do that in Sylacauga.) The next sale turned out to be in the basement. And overpriced. Belts $5.00 each. Lena observed that half burned candles were 50¢. And there was absolutely nothing of interest there. Well, I did see a pretty, yellow, home made dress from the 60s, but at $10, passed. However I did buy something there. My only two purchases for the day:

No, that’s not a giant rooster. He’s only 2″ tall.

Can you believe that? What a waste of time and gas. But the company was good. Lena and I haven’t been able to get out together in awhile.

Speaking of Lena, we got to meet a marble carver from Italy. Next post. Tomorrow? Maybe if I go ahead and write it, I’ll post it tomorrow. Yeah. That’s what I’ll do. Actually, I have several posts in me this week. I’ll have to do that for all of them.

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Shirt – Drunk Uncle or Cool Surfer Dude & More Fun Vintage

Weekend update:

It was nice to have Lena for company at the estate sales yesterday. Had a great time! I was kinda excited to find this man’s, Mr. Cabana shirt:

Mr. Cabana beach robe. Is it cool or does it look like somebody's drunk uncle?

Lena wasn’t impressed. She rolled her eyes, groaned and said it looked like somebody’s drunk uncle. Me? I immediately thought of The Beach Boys. Or Barbie’s Ken. The inside is white terry cloth. So what do you think? Cool or uncool?

I rarely find good vintage clothes. It’s usually old lady, 1980s stuff, but yesterday was a good one. Certainly not like those of you who live in Vintage Clothes Heaven, but unusually good for my area. I’m going to apologize right up front for the crummy pictures. They were hastily taken, not on a form, but a hanger and I think I’ve got my jitter control setting wrong on my camera. Some are blurry. But here they are:

1970s bias stripe jumpsuit.

With its jacket.


1960s suede, beaded, fringe vest. Uh, how do you get sweat stains out of suede?? I bought it wrong side out and it didn’t even occur to me to check the underarms.


This might be very talented home sewing, but it’s really pretty in person.


Not sure the age of this skirt, but it’s wool plaid cut on the bias. 1980s maybe?


Short 1980s coat.


1980s blanket coat.


1970s wool cape.


1940s? Long coat. Looks like boucle to me. I hate that the picture is so fuzzy.


Got stuff, too!

Don’t know where that school was.


This little tote has a place for an umbrella. A long gone umbrella, but I just loved the design of it. Had to have it!


2 straw purses, a red, kitchen clock, clothespin bag and a little make-up case.


Owl glasses marked M. Petit and a drink mixer/stirrer thing.


And a small Dansk covered pot.


There were a few more things. A tin used car lot sign, a felt Christmas tree skirt, a candle in the shape of a poodle, books, umm…. can’t remember… oh, yeah. 2 mens ties, a 1940s velour beanie… anything else? Probably. It was great getting some fun stuff after the lean weeks. It comes and goes, ya know?

Oooo! I gotta run! I’ve only got an hour to get ready for our nieces 1st birthday party!